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Biogenic Emissions
An improved model for estimating volatile organic compound emissions from forests. Geron, C.D., A. B. Guenther, and T.E. Pierce. Journal of Geophysical Research, 99(D6): 12,773-12,791, 1994.

A reassessment of biogenic volatile organic compound emissions in the Atlanta area. Geron, C.D., A. B. Guenther, and T. E. Pierce. Atmospheric Environment, 29(13): 1569-1578, 1995.

Biogenic isoprene emission: Model evaluation in a southeastern U.S. bottomland deciduous forest. Geron, C.D., D. Nie, R.R. Arnts, T. D. Sharkey, E. L. Singsaas, P.J. Vanderveer, A. B. Guenther, J. E. Sickles II, and T. E. Kleindienst. Journal of Geophysical Research, 102(D15): 18,889-18,901, 1997.

Estimates of regional natural volatile organic compound fluxes from enclosure and ambient measurements. Guenther, A.B., P. Zimmerman, L. Klinger, J. Greenberg, C. Ennis, W. Pollock, K. Davis, H. Westberg, G. Allwine, and C.D. Geron. Journal of Geophysical Research, 101(D1): 1345-1359, 1996.

Emissions from forest burning in the southeastern U.S.: Application of a model determining spatial, temporal, and fire type variation. Vose, J.M., C.D. Geron, W.T. Swank, and A. E. Major. Journal of Geophysical Research, in press.

Isoprene fluxes measured by enclosure, relaxed eddy accumulation, surface layer gradient, mixed layer gradient, and mixed layer mass balance techniques. Guenther, A.B., W. Baugh, K. Davis, G. Hampton, P. Harley, L. Klinger, L. Vierling, P. Zimmerman, E. Allwine, S. Dilts, B. Lamb, H. Westberg, D. Baldocchi, C. D. Geron, and T. Pierce. Journal of Geophysical Research, 101(D13):18,555-18,567, 1996.

Seasonal variations of nitric oxide flux from agricultural soils in the Southeast United States. Aneja, V. P., W.P. Robarge, L. J. Sullivan, T. C. Moore, T. E. Pierce, C. Geron, and B. Gay. Tellus, in press, 1996.

Evaluation of forest canopy models for estimating isoprene emissions. Lamb, B., T. Pierce, D. Baldocchi, E. Allwine, S. Dilts, H. Westberg, C. Geron, A. Guenther, L. Klinger, P. Harley, and P. Zimmerman. Journal of Geophysical Research, 101(D17): 22,787-22,797, 1996.

Development of a relaxed eddy accumulation system for the measurements of non-methane volatile organic chemical fluxes. Nie, D., T. E. Kleindienst, R. R. Arnts, J. E. Sickles II, and C. Geron. Journal of Geophysical Research (in review), 1996.

Field measurements of isoprene emission from trees in response to temperature and light. Sharkey, T.D., E. L. Singsaas, P. J. Vanderveer, and C. Geron, Tree Physiology, 16:649-654, 1996.

Environmental variables controlling nitric oxide emissions from agricultural soils in the southeast United States. Sullivan, L. J., T. C. Moore, V. P. Aneja, W. P. Robarge, T. E. Pierce, C. Geron, and B. Gay. Atmos. Environ., 30(21):3,573-3,582, 1996.

Leaf, branch, stand, and landscape scale measurements of volatile organic compound fluxes from U. S. Woodlands. Guenther, A. B., J. Greenberg, P. Harley, D. Helmig, L. Klinger, L. Vierling, P. Zimmerman, and C. Geron. Tree Physiology (special issue on Interactive Environmental Effects on Forest Stands), 16:17-24.

Volatile organic compound emission rates from mixed deciduous and coniferous forests in Northern Wisconsin, U.S. Isebrands, J. G., A. Guenther, P. Harley, D. Helmig, L. Klinger, L. Vierling, P. Zimmerman, and C. Geron. Tree Physiology (special issue on Interactive Environmental Effects on Forest Stands).

Application of EROS Data Center information for use in modeling area source emissions. Kinnee, E. G., C. D. Geron, and T. Pierce. Ecological Applications, 7(1):46-58, 1997.

Identification and flux estimates of biogenic volatile organic compounds emitted from vegetation in three ecosystems in the U. S. Helmig, D., L. Klinger, A. B. Guenther, L. Vierling, P. Zimmerman, and C. D. Geron, Global Biogeochemical Cycles (in press).

Mobile Source Emissions
Bachman, W.H. A GIS-Based Modal Model of Automobile Exhaust Emissions. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Research and Development Washington, DC. EPA-600/R-98-097. (Adobe Acrobat format, 3,233Kb .PDF Info)

Jones, J.W.; Ripberger, C.T.; and Vescio, N. An Investigation of Remote Sensing Devices for Chemical Characterization of Motor Vehicle Exhaust. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Research and Development Washington, DC.
    Report (Adobe Acrobat format, 388Kb .PDF Info)
    Appendix A (Adobe Acrobat format, 18Kb .PDF Info)

Brown, J.E. Heavy Duty Diesel Fine Particulate Matter Emissions: Development and Application of On-Road Measurement Capabilities. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Research and Development Washington, DC. EPA-600/R-01-079. (Adobe Acrobat format, 1,193Kb .PDF Info)

Stationary Source Emissions
Jaasma, Dennis R.; Champion, Mark. Degradation of Emissions Control Performance of Wood Stoves in Crested Butte, CO. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Research and Development. National Risk Management Research Laboratory: Research Triangle Park, NC. November 1998; EPA-600/R-98-158.

Long-Term Performance of EPA-Certified Phase 2 Woodstoves, Klamanth Falls and Portland Oregon: 1998-1999, EPA 600/R-00-100, November 2000

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