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Use of the Fields Software and ARCGIS for Modeling Superfund and RCRA Sites

There are now many Superfund, RCRA, Brownfield and other sites that have been studied and have undergone remediation during the past twenty years. There are decades of monitoring, operational and other environmental data collected by the Agency. The methodology for storing and analyzing these data is uneven. Much of the available data are paper reports and are not readily available for easy electronic analysis. EPA's Region 5 has a team devoted to managing and interpreting data (http://www.epa.gov/region5fields/htm/software/htm/contact_soft.htm). Nate Hoelzel, UC Intern to Michelle Simon, NRMRL LRPCD RRB, has been working on an RCRA site utilizing the software collected by the FIELDS team. We received groundwater, landfill gas, ambient air and soil gas data in an electronic format from an RCRA site and downloaded Census 2000 population data and georeferenced photographs from various government web pages. Geological information and groundwater contamination was generated via FIELDS software. The results of the work are presented in "Lessons Learned at a Case Study on Bringing Science and Planning Together to Protect Human Health, Safety, and Welfare from Vapor Intrusion", a Masters Thesis by Nathanael Z. Hoelzel.

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Contact: Michelle Simon, 513/569-7469, (EIMS#56386)

Office of Research & Development | National Risk Management Research Laboratory

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