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Wage and Hour Division (WHD)

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Wage and Hour Division - To promote and achieve compliance with labor standards to protect and enhance the welfare of the nation's workforce.

Service Contract Act Directory of Occupations

99090 Diver Tender

Helps Diver into diving suit, inspects diving equipment, and maintains communications with submerged Diver by lifeline or telephone. Helps Diver into suit equipped with hardshell headpiece (helmet), breathing hose, belt and breast weights, and leaded feet. Examines equipment to insure no obstructions in airhose and communication line exist and that air pressure is in accordance with Diver's specifications. Hands equipment to Diver and helps Diver into water. Attends lifeline and telephone to receive signals from Diver, such as tugs on lifeline and instructions on telephone, to pull in or let out lifeline and airhose. Maintains check on time Diver is submerged, weather conditions, and air compressor to ensure safety of Diver. May be assigned only to letting out and taking in airhose.



Phone Numbers