Clinical Trials Education for Native Americans

Clinical Trials Education for Native Americans

Objective NA1 - Examine common reasons for and against the Native American community’s participation in research studies. Download (3.1 mb) View online

Objective NA2 - Describe the importance of including Native Americans in clinical trials. Download (3.1 mb) View online

Objective NA3 - State the purpose and importance of clinical trials. Download (2.6 mb) View online

Objective NA4 - Define the types and purposes of cancer clinical trials. Download (2.2 mb) View online

Objective NA5 - Explain the phases of cancer clinical trials. Download (2.0 mb) View online

Objective NA6 - Examine selected and common Native American myths and beliefs related to cancer clinical trials. Download (2.5 mb) View online

Objective NA7 - Identify local and national resources for accurate cancer and clinical trials information. Download (4.7 mb) View online

Objective NA8 - Examine the potential benefits and drawbacks of participation in cancer treatment clinical trials. Download (2.5 mb) View online

Objective NA9 - Describe the impact of Native cultural perspectives on health and experience of cancer and clinical trials. Download (3.0 mb) View online

Objective NA10 - Examine selected cultural, ethical, social, spiritual and political issues related to Native American’s participation in clinical trials (includes prevention, quality of life trials as well as treatment). Download (4.0 mb) View online

Objective NA11 - Describe benefits and drawbacks of using traditional Indian medicine in cancer care and clinical trials. Download (1.6 mb) View online

Objective NA 12 - Identify the Tribal research approval process relevant to clinical trials. Download (3.5 mb) View online