United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service
Patent Title: Method to Genetically Improve Plants
See also: US Patent Office Full Record

Pacific West Area
  Plant Gene Expression Center (Albany, Ca)

BT Patent Number: 6936747
Docket Number: 12401
Serial Number: 9911088
Date Patented: 08/30/2005

Technology Description: 


Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists in California have developed a method to improve plants by adding multiple traits simultaneously, which can be targeted to very specific locations.  This method provides a more convenient way to insert new DNA into different parts of the plant genome.  ARS’s technique will allow plant breeders and regulators to quickly and easily identify newly-introduced traits—thus expediting breeding programs.  This method also makes it easier to remove all transgenic DNA using a single deletion step.  The selective removal of certain types of transgenic traits may have practical use as well as public appeal.  A large investment is required in genomic research in major commodity crops.  This technique could allow many new improved traits to become available sooner.

The plant biotechnology industry would benefit from this invention, especially those engineering major commodity crop plants.  ARS researchers are seeking a commercial partner to test and refine the strategy for their crops of interest. 




Please refer to USPN 6,936,747 (Docket #0124.01), “Methods for the Replacement, Translocation, and Stacking of DNA in Eukaryotic Genomes,” which issued on
August 30, 2005.  Foreign patent rights are available.


ARS has another invention related to eukaryotic genomes.  Please refer to S.N. 11/209,388 (Docket #0047.03), “Site-Specific Recombination Systems for Use in Eukaryotic Cells,” which was filed on August 22, 2005.  Foreign patent rights are available.




David W. Ow
Plant Gene Expression Center
Albany, CA  94710;

Phone: (510) 559-5909
    Fax: (510) 559-5678; david_ow@berkeley.edu


James Thomson
Crop Improvement/Utilization Research
Albany, CA  94710
Phone: (510) 559-5920
   Fax: (510) 559-5678


Last Modified: 05/13/2009