Kids Museum Guide

How well do you know D.C. museums? Test your knowledge with our game and find highlights for kids.

Photo: Dominic Bracco II/For The Post

On Stage in May

This month promises wallet-friendly performances and yet another Tom Stoppard play.

Photo: James Kegley

For the Hip & Hungry

Restaurateurs are flocking to a lively stretch of 14th Street.

Photo: James M. Thresher for The Washington Post

May Arts

Prescription pill bottles and confessional postcards go on display this month.

Photo: Tang Teaching Museum and Art Gallery


Get to Know D.C.

Mapping the Mall

Explore the landmarks on the city's famous swath of green with our interactive guide.

Getting Ahead of Yourself

Advance planning is needed to experience sites like the White House and Supreme Court.

How to See the City

The lowdown on public transportation, guided tours and the area's airports.

An Art Lover's Cheat Sheet

A day-by-day guide to museum hours and gallery open houses.

Three Days in D.C.

Make the most of a short trip to Washington — explore our restaurants and boutiques as well as historic sites.

Washington 101

An introduction to the National Mall, the monuments and the Smithsonian.

Branching Out

Adventures for families, history buffs, shoppers and people-watchers.

Further Afield

Day trips to Alexandria and Mount Vernon, explorations around Chinatown.

Go Out Lists

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Go Out List Image: Robert Wiedmaier

Celeb: Robert Wiedmaier

Water, Water, Wiedmaier

We knew the Marcel's chef loved seafood, we just didn't know quite how much he loves the water.

Featured User: lddavis

Dish-trict's Favorite Food Spots

Updated 01/07/2009 | 27 Items

A list, in no particular order, of's favorite food and dining destinations.



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