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Eat Healthy

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Take Action!

Be a Healthy Family
Many families spend a lot of money on take-out food and restaurant meals. To save money, cook and eat meals at home to stretch your grocery budget.

If you have children, you are a role model for making good food choices. Many kids like to help with grocery shopping and cooking, so let them help out!

Manage Your High Blood Pressure or Diabetes
If you or a loved one has high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, or heart disease, talk with your doctor about how to stay healthy. If you need a special diet, check out these Web sites:

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Start Today: Small Steps
  • Print out this food diary to keep track of what you eat.
  • Make a shopping list with healthy snacks like fruit and non-fat yogurt.
  • Send an e-card to encourage a friend or family member to eat healthy foods.

Learn how eating healthy relates to heart disease; overweight and obesity; and colorectal cancer.

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