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Government Resources
Buying Medicines and Medical Products Online - With hundreds of drug-dispensing Websites in business, how can consumers tell which sites are legitimate ones? FDA provides Tips and Warnings for Consumers
Center for Devices and Radiological Health Buying Medical Devices Online - The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) wants you to know some of the advantages and pitfalls of buying medical products on the Internet. Buying on-line offers privacy, convenience and potential cost-savings, but personal data given by the consumer can be misused by unscrupulous dealers.
Clinical Trials - The National Cancer Institute has clinical trials are research studies in which people help doctors find ways to improve health and cancer care. Each study tries to answer scientific questions and to find better ways to prevent, diagnose, or treat cancer.
Consumer Drug Information - Each of the Consumer Drug Information Sheets posted on this site gives general information about newly approved prescription drugs. Only information about drugs approved since January 1998 appears on this page. Since these drugs are newly approved, they may not yet be on the market. For more information on drug availability, please check with your physician, pharmacist or other health care provider.
Contact FDA - This page lists the mailing address, phone numbers, and an employee directory.
FDA - Bioterrorism - This page lists general information, biological agents, and public health initiatives / actions / preparedness for bioterrorim.
FDA - Med Watch - is Internet gateway for timely safety information on the drugs and other medical products regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
FDA - Problem Reporting - When problems with FDA- regulated products occur, the agency wants to know about them and has several ways for the public to make reports. Timely reporting by consumers, health professionals, and FDA-regulated companies allows the agency to take prompt action.
FDA - Vaccine Adverse Event Report System (VAERS) - is a post-marketing safety surveillance program, collecting information about adverse events (side effects) that occur after the administration of US licensed vaccines. Reports are welcome from all concerned individuals: patients, parents, health care providers, pharmacists, and vaccine manufacturers. This page explains what VAERS is and Frequently Asked Questions.
FDA - Vaccine Adverse Event Report System (VAERS) - accepts reports from the public of any unusual event which occurred after a vaccination was given. In order to collect all information that may be of value, there is no restriction on the time lapse between the vaccination and the start of the event, or between the event and the time the report is made. Our main concern is identifying events which affect you and your family. This page explains the procedure in reporting and the toll free number.
FDA's Consumer Complaint Coordinators - To report adverse reactions or other problems with FDA-regulated products, you may contact the FDA district office consumer complaint coordinator for your geographic area.
Important Information on Medical Devices - The Consumer Staff of the Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) would like you to know about recent device- related information, including recalls, health advisories, and clinical trials
Importation of Prescription Medicines/Drugs - Traveler Alert - This website presents the FDA-developed guidance for the personal importation of drugs from other countries.
Purchasing Medications Outside the United States - Occasionally, U.S. residents purposely travel to other countries to purchase medications (drugs) for personal use. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is concerned that medications purchased abroad may present health risks to the user.
Reporting Unlawful Sales of Medical Products on the Internet - If you find a Website you think is illegally selling human drugs, animal drugs, medical devices, biological products, foods, dietary supplements or cosmetics over the Web, please select one of the three options on this site to report it to the Food and Drug Administration.
U.S. Food and Drug Administration - has a mission is to promote and protect the public health by helping safe and effective products reach the market in a timely way, and monitoring products for continued safety after they are in use.
Private Resources
Best Buy Drugs - Consumer Reports - This website provides information that will help you open a conversation with your doctor about prescription medicines, particularly about which medicines will best meet you medical needs and give you the most value for your health care dollar.
Intellihealth.com - Providing credible information and useful products from the most trusted sources.
Merck Manual Home Edition On-line - Access to the online medical reference
Using Medications Wisely - AARP - Becoming your own medication manager, in partner with your docotr and your pharmacist, is the best way to ensure that you are using medications wisely. Get started with these free resources.
Using the Medicare Prescription Drug Plan Finder - Find information about how to use the tools available to help you make a decision about a Medicare prescription drug plan.
Important Notices - Site Map
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