Infectious Diseases

An information gateway to guide users to federal HIV/AIDS information and resources on topics including prevention, testing and treatment and research programs.

Acinetobacter Infections - For Service Members & Their Families

Fact sheet that details symptoms, treatment and prevention of Acinetobacter infections, which are becoming increasingly drug-resistant.

African Americans & HIV/AIDS - Key Facts

Includes an overview and epidemic profile, as well as data on major trends, access to and use of health services and perceptions of HIV/AIDS among African Americans.

Blue Book - Fifth Edition

U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases' (USAMRIID) Medical Management of Biological Casualties Handbook provides concise supplemental reading material to assist health-care providers in the management of biological casualties. Includes a new chapter on emerging infections and potential future biological weapons as well as two new appendices on the use of investigational new drugs (IND) and antibiotic and vaccine considerations in special populations.

Brucellosis Fact Sheet

Provides information and additional links about the spread, control and treatment of brucellosis, which is spread through contact with contaminated meat, milk or other animal products.

Campylobacter Fact Sheet

Defines and provides information about this infectious disease, which causes abdominal cramping, pain and diarrhea.

Census Bureau HIV/AIDS Surveillance

Links to ongoing monitoring of the AIDS pandemic and incidences of HIV.

Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) HIV/AIDS Information Page

Information from CDC on HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment and research.

Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) Malaria Information Page

Provides information about Malaria including control and prevention, diagnosis and treatment and frequently asked questions.

Chronic Hepatitis C in the Veteran Population

Discusses the prevalence of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) among Veterans.

Diseases of Military Significance

Brochure describing infections that can be spread by people, insects and animals - often following a Service Member's return from active duty.

Emerging & Re-emerging Infectious Diseases

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases provides a list of infectious diseases and information regarding the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatments, prevention and complications of most diseases. - Hepatitis

Provides links to resources and information regarding the various types of Hepatitis.

Leishmaniasis Fact Sheet

Overview of all three forms of leishmaniasis, which is transmitted by the bites of infected sand flies.

National Foundation for Infectious Diseases

Provides information about infectious diseases such as meningitis, influenza, shingles and pneumococcal diseases.

National Hepatitis C Program

VA site that presents an overview of the disease, along with information on testing, diagnosis and treatment. Includes links to VA programs and contacts and Hepatitis C Resource Centers.

Pandemic Influenza

Provides information about transmission and treatment of infectious influenza.

Post-Deployment Health - Malaria

Offers links with information relating to Malaria including policies and directives, clinical guidance, forms and measures, fact sheets, education and training, research and other related information and links.

Swine Flu: Information for Parents & Caregivers

Information from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) on H1N1 (swine flu) and steps you can take to protect your family and those you care for and when to seek medical care.

U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID)

Spearheads research to develop medical solutions, including vaccines, drugs, diagnostics and information, to protect service members from biological threats.

Unexplained Illnesses Among Desert Storm Veterans - Infectious Diseases

Lists and describes infectious diseases that Desert Storm Veterans may have been exposed to. Diseases include respiratory, diarrheal and skin infections, some of which can lead to chronic disease.

Viral Hepatitis

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers information about the transmission of, and vaccination against, Hepatitis A, B, C, D and E.
  • The White House
  • The U.S. government's official web portal.

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