Indian Education—Formula Grants to Local Education Agencies

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  • Indian Formula Grant Application Resources

    • FAQs [download file] PDF (409K)
    • Getting Started [download file] PDF (101K)
    • Additional Program Assurances[download file] PDF (80K) | [download file] MS Word (33K)
    • PCA Form [download file] PDF (23K)
    • ED 506 Form [download file] PDF (80K) | [download file] MS Word (33K)

    • (April 28, 2009)

  • 2009 Indian Formula Grant Part II Application is now Closed
    Formula Grant EASIE Part II closed on April 22, 2009 (EDT). The Office of Indian Education will begin the review and approval process and, if needed, will contact grantees for additional information.
    (April 28, 2009)

  • List of Federally Recognized Tribes
    Attached is the latest list of Federally Recognized tribes as identified by the Bureau of Indian Affairs. This list was published on March 22, 2007 and remains a valid listing until the next update. The following links are for either the PDF or Text version of the Federal Register Notice.
    (December 9, 2008)

  • Parent Committee Roles and Responsibilities
    A new Powerpoint has been prepared for use by Indian Parent Committees, as they fulfill their responsibilities with local Title VII Indian Formula Grant programs, is now available to download:
    [download file] PDF (38K)
    (March 13, 2008)

  • New ED506 Form Available
    A new Title VII Student eligibility form is now available from the Office of Indian Education. The 506 Form is used by Indian education formula programs to document Indian heritage of participating students:
    [download file] PDF (14K)

  • Office of Indian Education Resources and Related Sites

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Last Modified: 04/28/2009