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In an Obama administration characterized by youth, they are a Cold War throwback, the aging arms-control experts who haggled with Soviet officials over nuclear weapons and testing.

President Obama is seeking to add hundreds of millions for teacher merit pay programs, an investment in a reform that has often drawn criticism from teachers unions.

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Joining Forces To Fight Terror

President Obama and the presidents of Afghanistan and Pakistan reaffirmed their commitment to stop the Taliban and al Qaeda. Lara Logan reports.


Head Count >
Head Count
Track and analyze the timing, demographics and connections of Obama's senior political appointments.
The 2009 Budget >
Budget 101
A narrated guide to this year's budget proposal and a look at the federal budgetmaking process.
Inside The West Wing >
Inside Obama's West Wing
Who's who and who's where in Obama's White House.
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Federal agencies and the Obama transition.
More Administration Headlines >
Democrats Assail Obama's Hit List (By Lori Montgomery and Amy Goldstein, May 8, 2009)
Obama Offers Compromise on D.C. Tuition Vouchers (By Bill Turque and Shailagh Murray, May 7, 2009)
Obama's Budget Knife Yields Modest Trims (By Lori Montgomery and Amy Goldstein, May 7, 2009)
Democrats Seek More Interrogation Documents (By Carrie Johnson, May 5, 2009 9:00 a.m.)
Latest Administration Wires >
AP Sources: Obama wants Fed to be finance supercop (By ANNE FLAHERTY, May 8, 2009 5:41 p.m.)
White House aide resigns over NYC flyover (By PHILIP ELLIOTT, May 8, 2009 5:30 p.m.)
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