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Research Project: Preparation, Properties, and Commercial Applications of Starch-Lipid Compositions Prepared by Steam Jet Cooking

Location: Cereal Products and Food Science Research

Title: A Flowable Paste from High Amylose Corn Starch


Submitted to: American Association of Cereal Chemists Meetings
Publication Type: Abstract
Publication Acceptance Date: October 8, 2007
Publication Date: October 8, 2007
Citation: Byars, J.A., Fanta, G.F., Felker, F.C. 2007. A flowable paste from high amylose corn starch [abstract]. American Association of Cereal Chemists Meetings. Paper No. O-48.

Technical Abstract: The flow and structural properties of pastes prepared from high amylose corn starch were examined. The starch was cooked in an excess-steam jet cooker in the presence of a fatty acid. The cooked product was rapidly cooled and then freeze dried or drum dried. Amylose is removed from solution by forming helical inclusion complexes with the fatty acid, and the inclusion complexes form small aggregates upon cooling. A paste can be formed from the dried solids that exhibits gel-like properties in small-amplitude oscillatory shear flow, but that flows readily when shear is applied. The effects of fatty acid concentration, solids concentration in the reconstituted paste, and the method of sample drying and reconstitution on the flow properties are examined. The pasting properties of the dried solids are also shown. The results are also compared to commercial shortenings and spreads.


Project Team
Felker, Frederick
Singh, Mukti
Liu, Sean
Kenar, James - Jim
Byars, Jeffrey
Related National Programs
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Last Modified: 05/13/2009
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