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Location: Cereal Products and Food Science Research

Title: Starch-Lipid Composites in Foods


Submitted to: Corn Utilization Conference Proceedings
Publication Type: Abstract
Publication Acceptance Date: June 9, 2004
Publication Date: June 9, 2004
Citation: Singh, M., Felker, F.C., Fanta, G.F. 2004. Starch-lipid composites in foods. (Abstract) Corn Utilization Conference Proceedings. Poster 37.

Technical Abstract: Currently, more than 44 million Americans are considered obese by Body Mass Index (BMI greater than or equal to 30). Overweight (BMI greater than or equal to 25) people are at increased risk for heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis related disabilities, and some cancers. The total annual cost attributed to obesity and overweight in the United States was about $117 billion in the year 2000. Fat consumption among Americans is estimated at 34 percent of the total caloric intake. This level of fat intake is considered too high. Providing more food options that are low in fat is a means of helping Americans moderate their dietary fat intake. FanteskTM is a stable suspension of microscopic oil droplets in a starch dispersion or gel, having the outward appearance of the cooked starch product but incorporating valuable properties of the included oil phase. The oil droplets do not coalesce or cream to the top on standing. It is prepared by jet cooking starch and oil under excess steam conditions. As a fat replacer in foods it imparts texture and mouthfeel, but fewer calories in comparison to full fat products. FanteskTM has been successfully incorporated into several meat, dairy, and baked products. Replacing 10% of fat in ground meat patties with FanteskTM improved the tenderness and juiciness without changing the flavor intensity. Eighteen percent of shortening was successfully replaced in cookies without significantly affecting the cookie diameter. Soft-serve ice cream with 80% of the fat in the mix replaced with FanteskTM was similar to the commercial product with respect to mix properties, overrun, and melting behavior. In addition to its functionality as a fat replacer, the FanteskTM technology also offers an effective advantage for lipid-based flavors. Such flavors were incorporated both into meat of shrimp by vacuum infiltration and into the batter to provide a commercial frozen gourmet shrimp product. Research is being conducted to study the feasibility of use of FanteskTM in more food products.


Project Team
Fanta, George
Kenar, James - Jim
Singh, Mukti
Felker, Frederick
Byars, Jeffrey
Related National Programs
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Last Modified: 05/13/2009
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