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Arizona Water Science Center

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Arizona Ground-Water Conditions Interactive Map

What is the current status of ground-water conditions in Arizona? How do conditions compare now versus before widespread development of ground-water? How far have water levels fallen, both in the past and recently? Have any wells shown rises in water levels, either in the past or recently? What are the recent trends in ground-water levels? How is ground water being used in the different basins? What are the expected population changes in these basins? Where can I go for more detailed information? The Arizona Ground-Water Conditions interactive map service website was created with funding from the USGS Water Availability and Use Program and in cooperation with the Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR) to address questions such as these. Ground water is an important resource in Arizona and an understanding of ground-water conditions is critical for water managers, politicians, and the general public to make informed decisions about the use and management of this resource.

Go to Arizona Ground-Water Conditions Interactive Map Service
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Portraying the status of ground-water conditions is made more difficult than, say, river or lake conditions because of the time delay between changes in ground-water budgets (for example, changes in pumping or changes in precipitation) and the manifestation of these changes in water levels. Time scales from hours to months to many years may be required to see the effects of climate variations and human activities on ground-water conditions. Additionally, vertical and horizontal variations in subsurface soil and rock can complicate the interpretation of water-level changes from individual wells. Other complicating factors include a limited number of water-level measurements available for individual wells in a period of interest, and individual measurements that are affected by recent pumping and do not reflect a point on a trend.

In an effort to produce a reasonable interpretation of conditions of ground-water resources in the alluvial basins of Arizona on the basis of available ADWR and USGS data, an interactive map service (IMS) was created that presents different views of ground-water information. The layers of information available on the online map include:

  • Wells with water-level rise (>50 ft) since 1997
  • Wells with water-level rise (>50 ft) prior to 1997
  • Wells with water-level decline (>75 ft) since 1997
  • Wells with water-level decline (>75 ft) prior to 1997
  • Wells with long-term records
  • Trends in recent water levels (1997-2006)
  • Storage change since predevelopment
  • Water-level change since predevelopment

Information is presented on the map using coloration to allow visualization of regional ground-water conditions. Hyperlinks provide access to hydrographs for the first 6 layers above to allow more detailed inquiry of individual well observations. Also included are basin information such as pumpage totals by water-use category, population projections by county, and a bibliography of studies and articles in the basin area for further reading.

USGS Open-File Report 2007-1436 provides additional information about the project including details on each of the data layers on the website. Layer titles in the IMS table of contents also have hyperlinks to brief descriptions of what is contained in the layer. The report lists the basins that are planned for inclusion in this website and the current status of the project.

All information on this website should be considered provisional and subject to revision. No judgment on the presence or availability of ground water should be made on the sole basis of information on this website. Neither the USGS nor ADWR will be held responsible for any loss or damages due to the use of this information.

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Page Last Modified: Friday, 02-May-2008 12:32:55 EDT