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Transcripts, Testimony, and Speeches

Date Headline
28 Sep 2006 Testimony of James A. Bever, Deputy Assistant Administrator for Asia and the Near East - USAID Contracting in Iraq
08 Jun 2006 Written Testimony of James R. Kunder Assistant Administrator for Asia and the Near East - USAID's Contributions to to the President's National Strategy for Victory in Iraq and Our Commitment to Accountability
24 Feb 2006 Briefing by Dawn Liberi, Mission Director, USAID/Iraq - Reconstruction Efforts in Iraq
08 Feb 2006 Testimony of James R. Kunder, USAID Assistant Administrator for Asia and the Near East - USAID Efforts in Iraq
09 Sep 2005 Remarks by Andrew S. Natsios, Administrator, U.S. Agency for International Development - Reconstruction in Iraq
07 Sep 2005 James Kunder, Assistant Administrator, Asia and the Near East - USAID's Support for Democracy and Reconstruction in Iraq
03 Dec 2004 On the Record Briefing by Administrator Andrew Natsios - On Reconstruction Progress in Iraq
22 Jul 2004 Remarks by Andrew S. Natsios, Administrator, United States Agency for International Development - Remarks On Iraq's Mass Graves
16 Jun 2004 Testimony of Andrew S. Natsios, Administrator, U.S. Agency for International Developmentt - Iraqi Agriculture and Food For Peace
04 Apr 2004 Prepared Testimony of Administrator Andrew S. Natsios United States Agency for International Development - Iraq Reconstruction
17 Mar 2004 Briefing by Andrew S. Natsios, USAID Administrator
17 Oct 2003 Remarks by Andrew S. Natsios, USAID Administrator
30 Sep 2003 Testimony of Andrew S. Natsios, USAID Administrator
4 June 2003 Prepared Testimony of Andrew S. Natsios, USAID Administrator
15 May 2003 Testimony of Ambassador Wendy Chamberlin, Assistant Administrator for Asia and the Near East
13 May 2003 Prepared Testimony of William J. Garvelink, Senior Deputy Assistant Administrator for Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian Assistance
28 Apr 2003 President Bush Discusses the Future of Iraq
21 Apr 2003 Transcript: Press Briefing by USAID Administrator Andrew S. Natsios at the Foreign Press Center
17 Apr 2003 Transcript: Iraq Community Action Program NGO Pre-Bid Conference
08 Apr 2003 Joint Statement by President Bush, Prime Minister Blair on Iraq's Future
07 Apr 2003 Press Briefing by Director Michael Marx on Gulf Disaster Assistance Response Team
05 Apr 2003 Radio Address of the President to the Nation [audio | transcript]
02 Apr 2003 Video and Transcript: State Department Press Briefing on Humanitarian Assistance to Iraq
30 Mar 2003 Press Briefing for Arabic Regional Media on Humanitarian Assistance
28 Mar 2003 Video: USAID Administrator Andrew S. Natsios - Interview on Fox News
27 Mar 2003 Testimony of Ambassador John D. Negroponte, Permanent Representative to the United Nations
27 Mar 2003 Testimony of USAID Administrator Andrew S. Natsios before the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Foreign Operations
27 Mar 2003 Video and Transcript: USAID Administrator Andrew S. Natsios - Interview on CNNfn
26 Mar 2003 Video and Transcript: Press Briefing by USAID Administrator Andrew S. Natsios at the Foreign Press Center
25 Mar 2003 Video and Transcript: Press Briefing by USAID Administrator Andrew S. Natsios at the State Department
25 Mar 2003 Video and Transcript: Good Morning America Interview with Michael Marx, DART Team Leader
23 Mar 2003 The White House: Bush Says Massive Aid to Flow into Iraq Soon
20 Mar 2003 Roundtable Media Briefing: USAID Humanitarian and Reconstruction Assistance to Iraq
19 Mar 2003 State Department: Assisting Iraqis With Their Future: Planning For Democracy
19 Mar 2003 President Bush Addresses the Nation
24 Feb 2003 Press Briefing On White House Inter-Agency Humanitarian Reconstruction Issues
26 Feb 2003 President Discusses the Future of Iraq in Speech at American Enterprise Institute
25 Feb 2003 U.S. Prepared to Deliver Humanitarian Relief to Iraq in Event of War

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