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Career Information

Great Lakes Sea Grant Extension Office



Career InformationResearcher working in the laboratory.

Thinking about a Career in Freshwater or Marine Science?

NOAAs Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory conducts research in the Great Lakes and other large freshwater ecosystems throughout the world, in a wide range of scientific areas. To accomplish its mission, GLERL employs aquatic biologists, chemists, geologists, oceanographers, limnologists, meteorologists, physical scientists, engineers, technicians, computer scientists, hydrologists, and ecologists.


Types of Positions at GLERL and Educational Requirements

Researcher working in the field.GLERL's federal scientific staff include principal investigators (PIs) and support scientists. PIs generally hold a Ph.D in their chosen scientific discipline. Support scientists, who assist PIs with lab work, data analysis, or field work, have a minimum 4-year undergraduate degree, with some having post-graduate work or a master's degree. A large number of GLERL support scientists are employed through the Cooperative Institute for Limnology and Ecosystem Research, a joint endeavor of the University of Michigan, Michigan State University, and GLERL. Other employees include visiting scientists from other institutions, post-doctoral associates, or summer fellows.

For more information on federal employment, visit our Job Opportunities page.

For More Information

The following websites provide excellent information on the scientific fields listed above and also provide information regarding employment opportunities, educational requirements, salary information, frequently asked questions, resources and links, and much more.Researcher working in the laboratory.

National Sea Grant Marine Careers:

Office of Naval Research, Careers in Oceanography:

Inland Seas Education Association's Great Lakes Career Mentoring Program:

Marine Advanced Technology Education Center (MATE):

The Marine Environmental Data Service, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada