
Please note: The Arts in Education program authorizes noncompetitive awards to VSA arts and the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts for its arts education programs for children and youths.

For competitive grants under the Arts in Education program, please refer to the Model Development and Dissemination Arts in Education program and the Professional Development for Arts Educators program.

For more information about the Arts in Education competitive grant programs please contact: Arts in Education Model Development and Dissemination Grants Program Staff.

For questions or information about Arts in Education contact:

Doug Herbert
E-mail Address
Mailing Address
U.S. Department of Education, OII
Improvement Programs
400 Maryland Ave., S.W., Rm 4W343, LBJ Building
Washington DC 20202-5950
(202) 401-3813
(202) 205-5630

Last Modified: 05/13/2008