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Acquisition and Assistance Activities

USAID has awarded 25 contracts and 28 grants for reconstruction work in war-torn Iraq. Seven draft procurement actions have been announced but not yet awarded.

Each of the awards may require subcontract work or the hiring of additional employees. USAID prime contractors select their own subcontractors or employees. For information concerning employment or subcontracting opportunities, you should contact the prime contractor directly. To see a forecast of upcoming solicitations, please see the Iraq Business Forecast. For more information about doing business in Iraq, please view our resource page on commercial opportunities in Iraq and the list of USAID/Iraq Acquisition and Assistance Notices. For information about positions available at the USAID Mission in Iraq, please see the Employment Opportunities page.

Awarded Contracts and Grants

Infrastructure Reconstruction

Objective - working in close cooperation with the Iraq interim government to improve the lives of Iraqis, USAID is devoting substantial resources throughout the country to restore critical infrastructure to rebuild and rehabilitate the vital components of Iraq's infrastructure.

Recipient (Program) Award No. Award Dates
Start - End
Bechtel I EEE-C-00-09-00018-20 4/17/03 - 2/28/06
Bechtel II SPU-C-00-04-00001-38 1/05/04 - 3/31/07

The purpose of this contract was to provide engineering, procurement and construction services in support of an Iraq Infrastructure Reconstruction Program. The contractor provides assistance to Iraq in the areas of electric power, water and sanitation services; transportation systems, selected public buildings, ports and waterways, and airports. A secondary objective of this contract was to provide employment opportunities for Iraqis and Iraqi firms, thereby injecting much needed capital into the economy and to ensure the sustainability of projects, an institutional capacity building component for operation and maintenance was implemented for all aforementioned sectors.

Stevedoring Services of America TRN-C-00-03-00054-06 3/14/03 - 6/30/04

The program assessed the work needed at the port, and then managed and improved the port's operations. This included improving port administration, coordinating transport from the seaport, and facilitating cargo-handling services such as warehousing, shipment tracking, and storage. The program also reduced vessel turn-around time and increased vessel productivity.

SkyLink Air & Logistic Support Inc. DFD-C-00-03-00026-07 3/21/03 - 1/31/05

This program focused on reconstructing two major airports, Baghdad International Airport and Basrah International Airport, to ensure that people, technical assistance, supplies, food, and materials for reconstruction were able to enter the country. The program also trained local Iraqi staff in airport management to ensure the sustainability of airport improvements

US Air Force (AFCAP) EEE-R-00-03-00016-09 3/17/03-12/31/05

Provide goods and services in support of preparedness and worldwide rehabilitative operations in Iraq.

US Army Corps of Engineers 267-P-00-03-00001-12 5/25/03 - 7/31/07

Provide A&E technical services for USAID's Iraq reconstruction contract.

Education, Health and Social Services

Objective - to ensure basic health care needs of population are met; improve access to and quality of education.

Recipient (Program) Award No. Award Dates
Start / End
UNICEF (Health) ANE-A-00-03-00003-09 3/18/03 - 9/30/06

The purpose of this Grant was to provide basic health, water supply, and sanitation services for Iraq with a particular focus on women and children.

UNICEF (Education) ANE-A-00-03-00006-08 3/31/03 - 9/30/06

The purpose of this Grant was to provide immediate support to basic education in Iraq through the promotion a rapid back to school campaign.

Creative Associates International (Education-RISE I) EDG-C-00-03-00011-10 4/11/03 - 7/30/04
Creative Associates International (Education - RISE II) EPP-C-00-04-00004-08 7/01/04 - 2/28/07

The purpose of these activities was to support the Iraqi Ministry of Education (MOE) to improve the quality of Iraqi education. It provided support to the Iraqi Ministry of Education in the areas of procurement and distribution of educational materials and supplies, community education grants, teacher training, early childhood development, model schools, and the development and establishment of a modern decentralized education system.

World Health Organization (WHO) ANE-G-00-03-00011-02
3/24/03 - 12/30/04
4/25/05 - 7/31/06

The purpose of these contracts was to provide technical services to support the Ministry of Health model primary health care centers. The contractors assisted in central level training of trainers while enhancing the MOH plan, and supported the MOH in its goal of making quality care more available nationwide.

ABT Associates Inc. (Health I) RAN-C-00-03-00010-10 4/30/03 - 11/30/04
Research Triangle Institute (Health II) GHS-I-04-03-00028-03
4/26/05 - 12/31/06

The purpose of these contracts was to provide technical services to support the Ministry of Health model primary health care centers. The contractors assisted in central level training of trainers while enhancing the MOH plan, and supported the MOH in its goal of making quality care more available nationwide.

Partnership for Child Healthcare (BASICS) GHA-I-01-04-00002-01 5/12/05 - 9/22/09

5 study tours, increase coverage and/or quality of maternal & child health care.

MACRO, International, Inc. GPO-C-00-03-00002-14 8/11/05 - 9/29/08

MEASURE DHS, building Ministry of Health & Ministry of Planning capacity to plan & implement national demographic & health survey.

UNESCO ANE-A-00-03-00012-05 5/21/03 - 4/30/05

Provide immediate support to basic education in Iraq through the revising, editing, printing and distribution of primary and secondary math and science textbooks.

Higher Education and Development (HEAD)

These cooperating agreements supported the establishment of partnerships between U.S. and Iraqi colleges and universities to invigorate and modernize Iraq's institutions of higher education. This program facilitated the dispersal of development resources and technical expertise to Iraq's universities and technical colleges, and engaged Iraqi higher education administrators, faculty and students in the revitalization of Iraq's higher education system.

Recipient (Program) Award No. Award Dates
Start / End
Sector - Archeology and Environment

Research Foundation of the State University of
New York (SUNY) at Stony Brook

  • Columbia University
  • Boston University
  • Oxford University
  • RAN-A-00-03-00099-05 9/30/03 - 12/31/05
    Sector - Agriculture

    University of Hawaii's College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources

    RAN-A-00-03-00094-04 9/30/03 - 12/31/05
    Sector - Legal Education Reform

    Human Rights Institute of DePaul University College of Law (IHRLI)

  • International Institute of Higher Studies in Criminal Sciences (ISISC)
  • RAN-A-00-03-00095-06 9/30/03 - 12/31/05
    Sector - Higher Education

    Jackson State University

  • Mississippi Consortium for International Development (MCID)
  • Alcorn State University
  • Mississippi Valley State University
  • Tougaloo College
  • RAN-A-00-03-00100-06 10/01/03 - 10/31/05

    University of Oklahoma's College of Continuing Education

  • Cameron University
  • Langston University
  • Oklahoma State University
  • RAN-A-00-03-00101-04 09/30/03 - 09/30/05

  • Key Sub-recipient

  • Economy, Finance, Agriculture and Rural Economy

    Objective - to rejuvenate the Iraqi economy and rebuild Iraq's agricultural sector through:

    1. Assisting in reforms of tax, fiscal, legal, institutional, and regulatory frameworks, collaboration with the Ministry of Finance to formulate and implement policy based on international best practices, capacity-building efforts at the Central Bank of Iraq, support pension reform, and the development of a reliable Social Safety Net.
    2. Drive economic development and employment generation by supporting key private sector institutions and reforms by providing assistance in trade policy, microfinance, and developing a framework for foreign investment.
    3. Support the development of agribusinesses and agricultural markets, improve farmer livelihoods and rejuvenate Iraq's single largest source of employment and second largest value sector.
    Recipient (Program) Award No. Award Dates
    Start / End
    Bearing Point Inc. (Economic Growth I) RAN-C-00-03-00043-07 7/18/03 - 9/30/04
    Bearing Point Inc. (Economic Growth II) 267-C-00-04-00405-22 9/03/04 - 9/02/09

    The purpose of these contracts is to procure technical assistance to help Iraqis overcome the overarching problems of legal, fiscal, institutional and regulatory frameworks and functions that complicate private investment and trade flows. Effective laws, regulations and institutional structures are needed to provide legislative and regulatory authorization to proceed with programs to develop the private sector, divest government assets, and create a competitive business environment generating real growth and employment.

    Development Alternatives Inc. (Marshlands) LAG-I-08-99-00017-009/23/03 - 9/29/06

    Strategies for assisting the marsh dwellers and restoring the marshlands in the southern Iraq program.

    Development Alternatives Inc. (Agriculture-ARDI) RAN-C-00-04-00002-1010/15/03 - 12/31/06

    The purpose of this contract was to expand agriculture productivity, rehabilitate key agro-ecosystems, and restore the capacity of rural agro-enterprise to produce, process, and market agricultural goods and services.

    Volunteers for Economic Growth Alliance EGA-A-00-04-00002-03 07/07/04 - 1/06/06

    Volunteers for Economic Growth Alliance (VEGA) designed a package of services to be implemented under the Private Sector Development Initiative (PSDI) in Iraq. The program focused on the establishment of a minimum of three business training centers that offer training, consulting and business entrepreneurship services. The goal of the project was to promote the expansion of a private, competitive and efficient private sector in Iraq.

    Louis Berger (Vocational Education) 267-C-00-04-00417-07 09/27/04 - 09/30/05

    The purpose of this activity was to implement a broad scale vocational and technical training initiative in Iraq in response to the challenges of unemployment, an under skilled workforce, needs of an emerging private sector, and capacity gaps at the ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (MOLSA). The contractor also provided training and capacity building for the implementation, oversight and monitoring of a network of 17 Vocational and Technical Training Centers and 28 Employment services centers.

    Louis Berger (Private Sector Development-Izdihar) 267-C-00-04-00435-00 09/30/04 - 03/31/08

    The purpose of this contract is to implement Private Sector Growth and Employment Generation support activities in Iraq in restructuring/privatization, investment promotion, trade policy and market access, development of business management skills, capital market development general policy implementation. The purpose of this contract is to promote development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSMEs) and provide training and expert advice to eligible, creditworthy private enterprises in order to achieve sustainable, profitable, small and medium business lending through banks in Iraq, sustainable microfinance Industry, policy and legal reform and a favorable business environment for the MSME Sector.

    Louis Berger (Provincial Economic Growth - Tijara) 267-C-00-08-00500-00 - 05 01/23/08 - 03/31/11

    The Tijara - PEG project is a 2-year program funded by USAID, which will be supporting programs to expand private sector economic opportunities in Iraq. Tijara - PEG is a follow-on project to USAID's Izdihar project, promoting private sector growth and employment generation. Tijara will build upon Izdihar's work to develop the Iraqi economy through interventions with the MSME sectors. Tijara's activities will promote economic diversification and employment generation amongst small and medium enterprises.

    The priorities of the Tijara - PEG program is to grow the Iraqi economy by promoting private sector development through provision of business development services, increased access to finance, and facilitation of foreign trade and investment.

    Louis Berger (Agribusiness-Inma) 267-C-00-07-00500-08 5/14/07 - 5/13/10

    The purpose of this contract is to build upon the success of USAID's previous Agriculture Reconstruction and Development Program for Iraq (ARDI). Inma works at the provincial level to support the development of agribusinesses and agricultural markets, improving farmer livelihoods and energizing Iraq's single largest source of employment and second largest value sector. It was awarded on May 14, 2007.

    Improved Efficiency and Accountability of Local Governance


    1. Enhance local government administrations and interim representative bodies; promoting community development in cooperation with NGO community.
    2. Enable the Iraqi interim and transitional government to operate effectively and efficiently, in a representative, transparent, and accountable manner, and to build the constitutional foundation for a democratic nation. Provide assistance to the national level governance structures. This assistance includes the provision of technical assistance, training, equipment and commodities, and information on standard operating rules and procedures and comparative government practices.
    3. Provide electoral, technical assistance to the independent electoral commission. Provide support for domestic oversight and voter education activities for Iraqi electoral process.
    4. Develop open, transparent and inclusive decision making at the community level and provide technical, financial and administrative support for democratic decisions to improve community lives. Its purpose also is to improve the quality of public engagement and enable the Iraqi citizens to begin taking charge of their own lives.
    Recipient (Program) Award No. Award Dates
    Start / End
    Consortium for Elections & Political Process Strengthening
    (CEPPS I)
    267-A-00-04-00351-08 5/13/04 - 12/31/04

    Program to support the Iraqi Governing Council and Interim Legislative Body

    Consortium for Elections & Political Process Strengthening
    (CEPPS II) - IRI & NDI
    AFP-A-00-04-00014-08 7/09/04 - 6/30/06

    Consortium for Elections and Political Process Strengthening (CEPPS) implemented a program with three primary objectives; elections monitoring, voter education and conflict management that are key elements for ensuring transparent elections in Iraq.

    Consortium for Elections & Political Process Strengthening
    REE-A-00-04-00050-07 7/26/04 - 7/31/06
    Consortium for Elections and Political Process Strengthening (CEPPS) implemented a program with three primary objectives; elections monitoring, voter education and conflict management that are key elements for ensuring transparent elections in Iraq.
    Consortium for Elections & Political Process Strengthening
    267-A-00-04-00405-15 9/01/04 - 12/31/10
    Consortium for Elections and Political Process Strengthening (CEPPS) implemented a program with three primary objectives; elections monitoring, voter education and conflict management that are key elements for ensuring transparent elections in Iraq.
    America's Development Foundation (Civil Society Program) GEW-C-00-04-00001-12 8/16/04 - 6/30/07
    Consortium for Elections and Political Process Strengthening (CEPPS) implemented a program with three primary objectives; elections monitoring, voter education and conflict management that are key elements for ensuring transparent elections in Iraq.
    Research Triangle Institute I (Local Governance I) EDG-C-00-03-00010-18 4/11/03 - 5/09/05
    Research Triangle Institute II (Local Governance II) 267-C-00-05-00505-27 5/09/05 - 12/31/09
    Research Triangle Institute III (Local Governance III) DFD-I-03-05-00128-00-03 01/01/09 - 12/31/10
    The purpose of this contract is to consolidate gains made in the Local Governance Program (LGP) from 2003 - 2005, and to continue to work with the Iraqis to establish and strengthen the conditions, institutions, capacity, and legal policy work at the national level. Assisting the Iraqis to create a more favorable, enabling environment for local governance and at sub national level, by building capacity of governorates representative, councils and sub national offices of central government ministries, to manage more effective, efficient and responsive customer-oriented services.
    AECOM International Development (Iraqi Legislative Strengthening Program) 263-I-03-06-00015-00-02 10/01/08 - 09/30/10
    The Iraq Legislative Strengthening Program is a multi-year program designed to support the Council of Representatives' (COR) efforts at reform and institutional strengthening to better oversee government operations, legislate and represent their constituents. The program, established at the request of the Council of Representatives' senior leadership, concentrates establishing a Parliamentary Center to organize training and build capacity to improve the effectiveness of the COR's Members and staff. A team of international and local professionals, resident in Baghdad, works with the COR's Members and staff as advisors, trainers, and mentors to assesses current practices and operations and help implement agreed upon reforms. The program will target its resources on the all-important standing committees, the secretariat, its research section, as well as its media and public affairs operations. The program expects to realize tangible improvements during the current parliamentary term, and to help orient new Members and continue the reforms well into the second parliament following national elections at the end of 2009.
    Relief International (Community-Based Conflict Mitigation) 267-A-00-07-00504-00-03 09/27/2007- 10/31/2009
    The Iraq Community-Based Conflict Mitigation (ICCM) Program takes advantage of the access and on-the-ground knowledge provided by Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs), which consist of USAID subject-area experts and representatives from Coalition forces and other U.S. government (USG) agencies. As part of the USG's New Way Forward in Iraq, 11 PRTs, 14ePRTs, and 7 PSTs were established throughout the country in an effort to coordinate programmatic interventions on the local level.
    Recipient (Program) Award No. Award Dates
    Start / End
    Community Action Program I - Cooperative Agreements
    Mercy Corps AFP-A-00-03-00001-12 5/16/03 - 3/31/07
    International Relief and Development, Inc. (IRD) AFP-A-00-03-00002-13 5/16/03 - 3/31/07
    Agricultural Cooperative Development International & Volunteers in Overseas Cooperative Assistance (ACDI/VOCA) AFP-A-00-03-00003-11 5/16/03 - 3/31/07
    CHF Int'l AFP-A-00-03-00004-12 5/16/03 - 3/31/07
    Save the Children Federation, Inc AFP-A-00-03-00005-00 5/16/03 - 4/01/06
    Community Action Program II - Cooperative Agreement
    CHF Int'l 267-A-00-06-00507-099/30/06 - 12/31/08
    Community Action Program III - Cooperative Agreement
    ACDI/VOCA 267-A-00-08-00504-01 10/01/08 - 03/31/10
    CHF Int'l 267-A-00-08-00503-0110/01/08 - 03/31/10
    Mercy Corps 267-A-00-08-00505-0110/01/08 - 03/31/10
    International Relief and Development 267-A-00-08-00506-0110/01/08 - 03/31/10

    CAP works with community action groups across Iraq to identify and prioritize local needs, and then to develop and implement projects that address those needs. This process gives Iraqi citizens a voice in decisions affecting their communities. CAP promotes the participation of women, youth, and minority groups in four major areas: community mobilization, social and economic infrastructure development, employment and income generation, and environmental protection and management.

    Focused Stabilization


    Through focused stabilization, USAID is working to create economic and social stability in urban Iraqi cities threatened by high level of insurgent activity. Programs will focus on four major areas:

    1. Public Works and Small Infrastructure Projects
    2. Vocational Training and Apprenticeship Programs
    3. Micro-Small-Medium Enterprise (MSME) Business Development Programs
    4. Youth Activities
    Recipient (Program) Award No. Award Dates
    Start / End
    International Relief and Development, Inc (Community Stabilization) 267-A-00-06-00503-13 5/29/06 - 10/31/09

    CSP works to achieve economic and social stability in Iraqi urban communities. The program works directly with community groups, local government officials, and Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs) to foster more productive and peaceful communities through programs that focus on training and employment.

    Development Alternatives, Inc. (Rapid Assistance) 267-A-00-07-00505-00-03 9/27/07- 10/31/09

    USAID has launched the Iraq Rapid Assistance Program (IRAP), a two-year, $130 million program that is being implemented by Development Alternatives, Inc (DAI). IRAP will allow Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs) and embedded Provincial Reconstruction Teams (e-PRTs) to provide grants in support of activities that meet essential needs in the PRTs' and e-PRTs' areas of operation. IRAP will allow PRTs and e-PRTs to design and generate grant proposals and provide funding with speed and flexibility, while maintaining administrative and management control. This will be achieved through a quick mobilization, accelerated operational set-up, and swift delivery of grant funds to beneficiaries in PRTs' and e-PRTs' areas of operations.

    National Capacity Development


    Enhance national government administrations by providing capacity building activities and support to national level ministries and training centers.

    Recipient (Program) Award No. Award Dates
    Start / End
    Management Systems International (Capacity Building -Tatweer) DFD-I-01-05-00221-13 7/27/06 - 1/31/11

    USAID's National Capacity Development program, known by its Arabic name Tatweer, seeks to foster a professional civil service shaped by an institutionalized, sustainable training system capable of promoting modern management to Iraqi public institutions. The project provides short-term support for key Government of Iraq (GOI) priorities, executes medium-term activities to improve and standardize public administration, and invigorates GOI training centers to provide sustainable human resource development. In addition, Tatweer provides public management advisors to key ministries to help develop capacity development plans.

    Monitoring and Evaluation


    Provide regular performance monitoring for Mission implementers

    Recipient (Program) Award No. Award Dates
    Start / End
    Management Systems International AEP-I-00-08-00024-10 6/26/03 - 5/31/05
    International Business & Technical Consultants, Inc. 267-C-00-05-00508-17 5/31/05 - 9/30/09

    Monitoring and evaluation of program performance

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