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This is an archived USAID document retained on this web site as a matter of public record.

USAID Administrator Natsios Announces Launch of

September 9, 2005
Press Office: 202-712-4320
Public Information: 202-712-4810

Contact: USAID Press Office

Detroit, MI – In a speech today to the Chaldean American Chamber of Commerce, Andrew Natsios, Administrator for the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), announced the launch of This web site will help American citizens learn more about official U.S. assistance for Iraq and make contributions to high-impact development projects. is a cooperative effort of USAID and GlobalGiving, a leader in online philanthropy – USAID provides content for the site and GlobalGiving supplies their internet-based donation technology.

“ demonstrates the proud American tradition of private citizens working in partnership with government,” said USAID Administrator Andrew S. Natsios. "At the President's direction USAID will work even harder to engage the private sector to help Iraqis create an environment where democracy and economic opportunity can take root and grow."

Visitors to can review a selection of current USAID projects in Iraq and contribute directly to the projects that interest them. All projects have been carefully selected from USAID/Iraq’s current mission portfolio allowing donors to confidently and securely donate to projects in Iraq. This transparent, direct connection between ‘citizen donors’ and project leaders, democratizes the practice of development and gives Americans a further stake in building a free and prosperous Iraq.

Initial opportunities include the option to purchase desks for classrooms, water pumps for farm cooperatives, or computers for a business center. Additional projects and resources will be added in the coming months. Donations through can be as little as $10.

"We are pleased to include Iraq as one of the 63 countries represented on GlobalGiving," said Mari Kuraishi, President of the GlobalGiving Foundation. "Without our relationship with USAID, we would not have been able to connect private American donors and effective development projects 'on the ground' in Iraq."

U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Dr. Zalmay Khalilzad remarked, “Active citizen participation is the hallmark of democracy. Iraq’s success will assist in democratizing a vital region of the world and increase prospects for global security and prosperity for future generations. engages American citizens and multiplies the impact of official U.S. development assistance for Iraq.”

The U.S. Agency for International Development has provided economic and humanitarian assistance worldwide for more than 40 years.

GlobalGiving's mission is to build a highly efficient marketplace where individuals, corporations, and other institutions can find and fund projects around the world. Since GlobalGiving launched in 2002, it has facilitated the flow of more than $2 million to over 400 projects.

For more information visit

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