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Location: Food and Industrial Oil Research

Title: Triglyceride Structure and Composition of Hydrogenated Soybean Oil margarine and Shortening Basestocks

item List, Gary
item Byrdwell, William - FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIV.
item Steidley, Kevin
item Adlof, Richard
item Neff, William

Submitted to: Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: February 16, 2005
Publication Date: May 29, 2005
Citation: List, G.R., Byrdwell, W.C., Steidley, K.R., Adlof, R.O., Neff, W.E. 2005. Triglyceride structure and composition of hydrogenated soybean oil margarine and shortening basestocks. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 53:4692-4695.

Interpretive Summary: Margarine, spreads and baking shortenings are formulated by adding hydrogen to the oil portion. During this process some of the molecules are changed in their chemical structure which increases their melting points. This paper describes a method to determine how much change occurs in the chemical structures of fats used to make spreads and baking shortenings. These studies will enable food scientists to better formulate spreads and shortening products from processed soybean oil.

Technical Abstract: Triglyceride structure and composition of a commercially prepared hydrogenated soybean oil margarine basestock (IV 65) was determined by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) in tandem with atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) mass spectrometry. The basestock was separated by preparative HPLC into four fractions. Fractions 1 and 4, consisting of about 8% of the total, were shown to consist of LOO, PLO and LLS, OSS and PSS (where L=linoleic, O=oleic or elaidic, S=stearic, P=palmitic). Fractions 2 and 3 consisted of OOO, POO, OOS, POS and POO. About 80% of the total triglycerides consisted of OOO, POO and OOS. Trans acid content of the fractions was determined and the results showed that 92% of the total trans was found in fraction 2 and 3.


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Erhan, Sevim
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Last Modified: 05/13/2009
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