Volatile Organic Compounds in the Nation's Ground Water and Drinking-Water Supply Wells: Supporting Information

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This release marks the completion of NAWQA's decadal assessment of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in aquifers and drinking-water supply wells. The assessment of aquifers includes VOC analyses of about 3,500 water samples from various types of wells, representing almost 100 different aquifer studies. The assessment of supply wells is based on analyses of samples collected at the well head, and before any treatment or blending, from about 2,400 domestic wells and about 1,100 public wells. The U.S. Geological Survey assessment provides the most comprehensive national-scale analysis to date of VOC occurrence and distribution in the Nation's ambient ground water.

Where to find the report

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For additional information on the National Assessment, please contact:

John S. Zogorski, Project Chief, National Synthesis of VOCs, NAWQA Program
U.S. Geological Survey
1608 Mountain View Rd
Rapid City, SD 57702
Email: jszogors@usgs.gov
Phone: (605) 342-3214

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