Working Partners for an Alcohol- and Drug-Free Workforce
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May 9, 2009   
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Employers and Employees Encouraged to Recognize May as Mental Health Month

May is national Mental Health Month, and employers and employees around the country are encouraged to participate.  This annual campaign, sponsored by Mental Health America, educates about mental health issues and how they impact all aspects of life, including employment. 


Mental Health America offers a variety of materials that employers and employees of all ages and in all industries can use to help balance everyday stress, increase their awareness of mental health issues and improve their overall health.  This year's theme, "Get Connected," is focused on the important role social connectedness plays in maintaining and protecting mental health and wellness.  Research shows that social connectedness can reduce stress and promote overall health by providing a sense of belonging, self-worth and security.  Creating connections that support mental health include being engaged with family, friends and other members of an individual's social support network; one's community; and a healthcare professional, when needed. 


Mental health challenges sometimes coincide with substance use disorders, which can cause serious safety, health and productivity problems in the workplace.  Organizations can help support improved mental health among workers–during Mental Health Month and all year round–by educating about the importance of being drug-free to staying well.  Many organizations do this through drug-free workplace programs. 


For more information about how to develop drug-free workplace programs, visit the U.S. Department of Labor’s Working Partners for an Alcohol- and Drug-Free Workplace Web site.  For more information about Mental Health Month, or to find a Mental Health Month event near you, call 1-800-969-6642 or visit Mental Health America's Web site.



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