National Child Welfare Association

American Indian Children and Families

mother and son - photo by Kristin Beadleboy and family - photo by Kristin Beadlefeeding baby - photo by Kristin Beadlethree girls - photo by Kristy Alberty

Preservation of American Indian culture starts with protection of our most precious resources—American Indian children and families. Only when our children and families are healthy and happy can there be harmony in our world.

Problems Facing American Indian Children and Families

Today, 4.3 million American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/AN) live in the United States—making up 1.5 percent of the total population. The AI/AN population is young, with 33 percent under the age of 18, compared with 26 percent of the total population (SOURCE: 2000, Census). There are alarming statistics on AI/AN youth in almost every risk area:

NICWA Makes a Difference

NICWA logo

NICWA is the only national American Indian organization, either public or private, that is focused on child abuse and neglect issues that impact American Indian children and families. NICWA helps tribes provide community-based, culturally appropriate services that help American Indian children grow up safe, healthy, and spiritually strong—free from abuse, neglect, sexual exploitation, and the damaging effects of substance abuse. NICWA programs have touched almost all of the 561 federally recognized tribes in the United States, and these programs have improved the lives of tens of thousands of American Indian children.