One Sky Center Home Page The American Indian/Alaska Native National Resource Center for Substance Abuse
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One Sky Center is a National Resource Center for American Indians and Alaska Natives. It is dedicated to improving prevention and treatment of substance abuse and mental health across Indian Country.


Current initiatives include Meth and Suicide Prevention.


What's New


Consultant Database


One Sky Center Legislative/Budget Priorities

Statement by Senator Ron Wyden on Indian Health Care Improvement Act


 A Guide to Suicide Prevention: DRAFT (100 page pdf file)

The Suicide Prevention Guide for American Indian and Alaska Native communities.

Technical assistance workshops for drug-free communities grants
Potential applicants to the Drug Free Communities grant are invited and encouraged to attend one of five pre-application technical assistance workshops offered by SAMHSA.

Availability of Funds for Drug Free Communities
Funds for new FY 2009 Drug Free Communities Support Program (DFC) grants are now available.

Crystal Darkness anti-meth campaign coming to your community
The Crystal Darkness Campaign is a unique collaboration between the local media, schools, law enforcement, recovery specialists, faith organizations and the business community to combat the effects of methamphetamine.

More news

Centers of Excellence The Center's reach is extended by consultants and partners located throughout the country. The Programs shown on the map below work with One Sky Center to develop resources.

Centers of Excellence - Our Partners

Upcoming Events

February 9 - 12, 2009:
Healthy Relationships Training
- Nashville, TN

February 26, 2009:
Third Annual All Tribes United Conference
- Warm Springs, OR

April 19 - 21, 2009:
27th Annual Protecting Our Children Conference
- Reno, NV

More events

We always work to improve our services and our website.  You may send us comments, questions or suggestions.  Also, if you encounter problems with this site,

please e-mail us





Jack Brown Regional Treatment Center National Indian Youth Leadership Program United American Indian Involvement Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board Cook Inlet Tribal Council Na'nizhoozhi Center Alaskan Tribal Health Consortium The Tri-Ethnic Center for Prevention Research Red Road Prairielands ATTC Harvard Native Health Program