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Ticket to Work Program — Success Stories

The Ticket to Work is an innovative program that helps people with disabilities find meaningful employment and take steps toward greater self-sufficiency.  Since the program began, thousands of beneficiaries have taken advantage of what the Ticket to Work has to offer.

Below are two stories showing the real benefits of this program.


For seven years Willie  struggled to cope with a chemical imbalance and anxiety disorder while working.  Despite her long work history as a machine operator, keypunch operator, and cashier, she eventually could no longer function productively in the workplace. After her doctor’s diagnosis, she applied for and started getting Social Security disability benefits. She tried to cope with being out of work, but became depressed and missed the satisfaction and economic security that work had once provided.

When her doctor prescribed new medication, Willie was able to keep her symptoms in check and felt up to the challenge of returning to work. She remembered receiving a Ticket to Work in the mail from SSA months before. She found it, and thought to herself: "It seemed too good to be true. I wanted to go back to work, and SSA was telling me I could, and I could still keep my health insurance.”  Willie was also pleased to learn that she could have her benefits reinstated quickly if she tried to work but was unable to handle it.

Today, Willie works as a personal care assistant at a large retirement community. She loves her job, and finds great joy in providing help and companionship to the residents. She credits the Ticket to Work with giving her the extra confidence she needed to take that step back into the workplace and be economically self-sufficient!

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After more than a decade of health and personal tragedies, Veronica has put her life back on track again.  Soon after the birth of her second child in 1992, Veronica and her new son were diagnosed with HIV and they began getting Supplemental Security Income disability benefits. Sadly, the baby passed away in 1993, and in the years that followed Veronica says she became very depressed.  She was unable to work and had to sign up for Social Security benefits.

As time passed, Veronica missed working and the sense of accomplishment that it brought. So the timing was perfect when she received her Ticket to Work in the mail from SSA. She assigned her Ticket to an EN and now works 30 hours a week as an administrative assistant.

"Getting back to work has improved my economic situation, as well as my outlook on life," Veronica said.  “I feel great!”

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Last reviewed or modified Wednesday Apr 01, 2009
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