our library

Over the years Nursing Mothers Counsel has developed and published several helpful pamphlets which we would like to share with any mother as she endeavors to breastfeed her child. These pamphlets are written by nursing mothers, for nursing mothers. We hope you find the online version useful. Please let us know if there is a subject you'd like us to write about. We will add to this list as soon as possible.

nmc pamphlets in english

nmc pamphlets in spanish

nmc mini movies

Sometimes pictures are worth thousands of words. We hope these "mini-movies" (less than 10 seconds long) will be helpful. The files are in mpg format and can be played with most current media players such as QuickTime, RealOne Player, and Windows Media Player.

  • not latched on well enough—example 1
  • not latched on well enough—example 2
  • wide mouth—good start
  • good latch and nursing well

