welcome to nmc

NMC is a non-affiliated, non-profit organization whose goal is to help mothers and their babies enjoy a relaxed and happy feeding relationship. Most of our help is provided over the telephone, but we also offer home visits to resolve difficult problems. NMC services are provided without fee or obligation.

We provide this website to supplement and enhance the services we offer breastfeeding moms, and to reach out beyond our immediate region. We hope you will find the information and links useful, and that your breastfeeding experience is a joyful one.

our mission

The mission of Nursing Mothers Counsel is to support the personal breastfeeding goals of mothers with free, one-on-one assistance and education by highly trained volunteer counselors who have also breastfed. 

our core values

We are committed to offering free breastfeeding counseling, including home visits when necessary, judgment-free and client-based assistance, help to mothers seven days a week, training for our volunteers, training of professionals, help to a nursing mother throughout her breastfeeding experience, and free informational pamphlets.

california referral hotlines

The following numbers are our 24-hour referral hotlines, where you can get free breastfeeding information and support from one of our volunteer mothers.

  • san francisco bay area 650 327-6455
  • santa cruz county 831 688-3954

nursing baby