Working Partners for an Alcohol- and Drug-Free Workforce
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May 8, 2009   
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Help with Browsing SAID

The browse function enables the user to view all documents in SAID by pre-defined categories. These categories include title, topic/sub-topic, author, item number, language, and format.

Browse by Title

"Browse by Title" presents the user with an alphabetized list of documents by title. To view a document, select its title.

Browse by Topic

To view all items that fall under a particular topic, select the desired topic. Each item also is categorized by sub-topic. Select the desired sub-topic. To view a document, select its title.

Browse by Author

"Browse by Author" presents the user with an alphabetized list of all authors of documents incincluded in SAID. To view items written by an author in the list, select the author's name and the documents' titles will appear. To view the document, select its title.

Browse by Item Number

"Browse by Item Number" presents the user with a numerical list of all documents in SAID. If a number is missing, this does not indicate that a document is missing. To view a document, select the document's item number.

Browse by Language

"Browse by Language" presents the user with an alphabetized list of documents by title that are available from the publisher in either English or Spanish. To view a document, select its title.

Browse by Format

"Browse by Format" presents the user with a list of all document formats in SAID. Examples of formats include article, booklet, book, fact sheet, guidebook, pamphlet, poster, press release, service, software, state/territory law, and video. To view all items that are in a particular format, select the desired format and the titles of those documents will appear. To view a document, select its title.



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