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Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives

Capacity-Building Organizations

In order for NGOs to be fully prepared to successfully administer grants from the U.S. Government, foundations, or other funding sources, you must make certain that your organization is structured properly first. Your capacity to handle funding will be evaluated by any grant-making agency or organization, and it is vital that you work to build your organization properly before you apply for any type of grant.

Many organizations offer capacity building tools and resources which can help your organization improve and strengthen its ability to successfully compete for funding.

AERDO is a forum for non-profit Christian agencies engaged in relief and development, promoting excellence in professional practice, fostering networking and collaboration, and supporting the Church in serving the poor.

African Development Foundation helps grassroots groups and individuals in Africa help themselves by providing the resources they need to advance their own efforts to promote economic and social development.

The Aga Khan Development Network is a group of development agencies that focus on health, education, culture, rural development, institution-building and the promotion of economic development.

The Asia Foundation supports programs in Asia that help improve governance, law, and civil society; women's empowerment; economic reform and development; and international relations.

BoardSource is dedicated to increasing the effectiveness of nonprofit organizations by strengthening their boards of directors, with highly acclaimed programs and services to mobilize boards to fulfill their missions.

Boardnet USA is a website dedicated to connecting nonprofit boards and new leaders. It is designed to be a common technological platform for a national collaborative network of communities working locally to enhance nonprofit board governance and strengthen nonprofit organizations. is a web magazine-cum-portal for practitioners and policy makers who work in or on capacity development in international cooperation in the South.

Civic Enterprises is a public policy firm that helps corporations, nonprofits, foundations, universities and governments develop and spearhead innovative public policies to strengthen our communities and country.

Food for the Hungry is an international relief and development organization that works with churches, leaders and families to provide the resources they need to help their communities become self-sustaining.

Foundation Center maintains a comprehensive database on U.S. grant makers and their grants, to strengthen the nonprofit sector by providing an accessible knowledge bank for the sector.

Geneva Global is an international philanthropic advisor, providing expert guidance for international giving and connecting benefactors and beneficiaries for their mutual benefit. is a comprehensive grants management system provided by the Grants Center of Excellence, which is managed by the Administration for Children and Families within the Department of Health and Human Services in partnership with 15 different agencies.

GrantStation is an interactive website that allows grant seekers to identify potential funding sources for their programs or projects and mentors them through the grant seeking process.

Guidestar gathers and publicizes information about nonprofit organizations to advance transparency, enable users to make better decisions, and encourage charitable giving.

IAPAD facilitates the interaction of less favored groups of society with local government institutions and donor agencies in tailoring and owning development and natural resource management initiatives.

Idealist is an interactive website where people and organizations can exchange resources and ideas and locate opportunities and supporters.

International Relief and Development works to reduce the suffering of the world's most vulnerable groups and provide tools and resources needed to increase their self-sufficiency, by implementing cost-effective relief and development programs.

InWEnt - Capacity Building International, Germany, is dedicated to human resource development, advanced training, and dialogue, with capacity building programs directed at experts and executives from politics, administration, the business community, and civil society.

The National Council of Nonprofit Associations is a network of state and regional nonprofit associations, assisting them to manage and lead more effectively and achieve greater impact in their communities.

NGOConnect.NET is interactive portal dedicated to connecting and strengthening NGOs, networks, and NGO support organizations worldwide, by providing tools, theoretical frameworks, innovations and lessons learned that the NGO community, donors and worldwide support organizations.

Partners Worldwide is a faith-based international partnership of business and professional people who work to eliminate poverty and transform lives by growing businesses and creating jobs in areas of need.

Tearfund is a Christian relief and development agency working with a global network of local churches to help eradicate poverty.

UN Development Programme is the United Nations' global development network, linking and coordinating the global and national efforts to reach the UN Millennium Development Goals.

Urban Strategies is works as a resource to grassroots organizations to serve children and families in need, by designing and implementing initiatives designed to enhance the future of low-income individuals and neighborhoods.

USAID Office of Private Voluntary Cooperation serves as a center of learning to enhance the capacity of NGOs in the delivery of development services.

US Department of HHS, ACF Compassion Capital Fund helps faith-based and community organizations increase their effectiveness and enhance their ability to provide social services by building their organizational capacity.

World Bank Publication on Mobilizing Funding for Development Projects is a document designed to help development organizations contact international donor.

World ORT is a Jewish education and vocational training NGO that works to educate students, young and old, from every corner of the world.

World Vision is a Christian relief and development organization dedicated to helping children and their communities worldwide reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty.

The Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives held a Capacity Building Conference in Cape Town, South Africa in August 2008. To view the PowerPoint presentation that Terri Hasdorff, Director of the Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, presented at the event, click here.

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