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Schools for Energy Efficiency from Hallberg Engineering, Inc.

4505 White Bear Parkway, Inc. Suite 1600
White Bear Lake, MN 55110

The Schools for Energy EfficiencyƔ (SEE) program helps K-12 schools to save energy and money by changing behavior throughout the district. SEE provides an annual plan with strategies for efficient operations, energy awareness materials for staff and students, training, and utility tracking for immediate and sustainable savings. The SEE program was developed in 2002 by Hallberg Engineering, Inc., a mechanical and electrical consulting engineering firm serving the education, retail, entertainment/hospitality, and government markets for more than 25 years.

Commercial Market(s) Served: Existing Commercial Buildings  

Commercial Market Sectors Served: Commercial Real Estate, Federal Government, Healthcare, Higher Education, Hospitality & Entertainment, K-12 Education, Retail, Small Business, State Government

Products: Energy Simulation, Tracking & Monitoring Software

Services: Commissioning and Tuning, ENERGY STAR Benchmarking (EPA's Energy Performance Rating for Commercial & Institutional Buildings), Energy Auditing / Assessments, Energy Information Management, Energy Operations & Management, Energy System Design (CHP, Fuel Systems, Fuel Cells, Wind Power, Solar/Photovoltaics, Geothermal, Thermal Storage), Engineering Design & Specification, Financing for Energy Projects, Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Analysis, LEED Documentation, Measurement / Testing / Verification, Professional Engineer Verifications for ENERGY STAR Labeled Buildings, Project/Construction Management

ENERGY STAR Activity: Learn more about ENERGY STAR Activities
Energy Performance Ratings: 22
Labels: 9
Buildings Improved by 10 points or more: 16
Number of Clients who are Leaders: 1

Contact Information:
Christie Rosckes
651-748-4354 (phone)
crosckes@hallbergengineering.com (e-mail)