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Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture
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Nancy Alexander
Michael Appell
Darren Brown
Mark Busman
Robert Butchko
Anne Desjardins
Mary Ann Dombrink-Kurtzman
David Kendra
Chris Maragos
Cesaria McAlpin
Susan McCormick
Todd Naumann
Stephen Poling
Robert Proctor
Donald Wicklow

Mark Busman
Mycotoxin Research
Research Chemist

Phone: (309) 681-6241 ext. 6241
Fax: (309) 681-6689
Room 1327
PEORIA, IL, 61604

Control of Fusarium Mycotoxins in Corn, Wheat, and Barley
Appropriated (D)
  Accession Number: 409643
Control of Fusarium Verticillioides, Fumonisins and Fusarium Diseases of Maize
Appropriated (D)
  Accession Number: 410216

FvVE1 Regulates Biosynthesis of the Mycotixins and Fumonisins and Fusarims verticillioides - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Myung, K., Li, S., Butchko, R.A., Busman, M., Proctor, R., Abbas, H.K., Calvo, A.M. 2009. FvVE1 Regulates Biosynthesis of the Mycotixins and Fumonisins and Fusarims verticillioides. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry. DOI:10.1021/jf900783u.
Fumonisin-nonproducing mutants exhibit differential expression of putative polyketide biosynthetic gene clusters in Fusarium verticillioides - (Abstract)
Butchko, R.A., Brown, D.W., Proctor, R., Busman, M., Woloshuk, C.P., Bluhm, B.H., Kim, H. 2009. Fumonisin-nonproducing mutants exhibit differential expression of putative polyketide biosynthetic gene clusters in Fusarium verticillioides [abstract]. 25th Fungal Genetics Conference.
Effect of corn dry fractionation on the distribution of mycotoxins in pre-fermentation ethanol co-products - (Abstract)
Kendra, D.F., Busman, M., Duensing, W.J. 2008. Effect of corn dry fractionation on the distribution of mycotoxins in pre-fermentation ethanol co-products [abstract]. International Distillers Grains Conference & Trade Show.
Biological and chemical complexity of Fusarium proliferatum - (Abstract)
Desjardins, A.E., Proctor, R., Busman, M. 2008. Biological and chemical complexity of Fusarium proliferatum [abstract]. International Congress of Plant Pathology.
Altered expression of polyketide biosynthetic gene clusters in fumonisin-deficient mutants of Fusarium verticillioides - (Abstract)
Butchko, R.A., Brown, D.W., Proctor, R., Busman, M., Woloshuk, C.P., Bluhm, B.H., Kim, H. 2008. Altered expression of polyketide biosynthetic gene clusters in fumonisin-deficient mutants of Fusarium verticillioides [abstract]. Gordon Research Conference on Cellular and Molecular Fungal Biology.
Gibberella ear rot of maize (zea mays) in Nepal: Distribution of the mycotoxins nivalenol and deoxynivalenol in naturally and experimentally infected maize - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Desjardins, A.E., Busman, M., Manandhar, G., Jarosz, A.M., Manandhar, H.K., Proctor, R. 2008. Gibberella ear rot of maize (zea mays) in Nepal: Distribution of the mycotoxins nivalenol and deoxynivalenol in naturally and experimentally infected maize. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 56(13):5428-5436.
A fumonisin biosynthetic gene cluster in Fusarium oxysporum strain O-1890 and the genetic basis of B versus C fumonisin production - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Proctor, R., Busman, M., Seo, J., Lee, Y., Plattner, R.D. 2008. A fumonisin biosynthetic gene cluster in Fusarium oxysporum strain O-1890 and the genetic basis of B versus C fumonisin production. Fungal Genetics and Biology. 45:1016-1026. Available:
Potential medicinal phytochemicals from Sicklepod (Senna obtusifolia L) seed - (Abstract)
Harry O Kuru, R.E., Busman, M., Berhow, M.A. 2008. Potential medicinal phytochemicals from Sicklepod (Senna obtusifolia L) seed [abstract]. Annual Meeting and Expo of the American Oil Chemists' Society. p. 45 #125.
Fusarium verticillioides gene expression profiling by microarray analysis - (Abstract)
Butchko, R.A., Brown, D.W., Busman, M., Proctor, R. 2007. Fusarium verticillioides gene expression profiling by microarray analysis [abstract]. Multicrop Aflatoxin and Fumonisin Elimination and Fungal Genomics Workshop-The Peanut Foundation. p. 45.
Determination of naphthopyrone and anthraquinone glycosides from Sicklepod (Senna obtusifolia) seeds by HPLC-ESI-CID-MSn with potential medical utilization - (Abstract)
Harry O Kuru, R.E., Payne Wahl, K.L., Busman, M., Berhow, M.A. 2007. Determination of naphthopyrone and anthraquinone glycosides from Sicklepod (Senna obtusifolia) seeds by HPLC-ESI-CID-MSn with potential medical utilization [abstract]. Association for the Advancement of Industrial Crops Conference. p. GC11.
Fusarin mycotoxins and monoclonal antibodies for their detection - (Abstract)
Maragos, C.M., Busman, M., Plattner, R.D. 2007. Fusarin mycotoxins and monoclonal antibodies for their detection [abstract]. U.S. Japan Joint Panel on Toxic Microorgnisms. Paper No. II-3.
Biological and chemical complexity of Fusarium proliferatum - (Abstract)
Desjardins, A.E., Proctor, R., Busman, M. 2008. Biological and chemical complexity of Fusarium proliferatum [abstract]. International Congress on Plant Pathology.
Complementary host-pathogen genetic analyses of the role of fumonisins in the Zea mays-Gibberella moniliformis seedling interaction - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Desjardins, A.E., Busman, M., Muhitch, M.J., Proctor, R. 2007. Complementary host-pathogen genetic analyses of the role of fumonisins in the Zea mays-Gibberella moniliformis seedling interaction. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology. 70(4-6):149-160.
Fusarium graminearum: an pathogen of maize in Nepal, pathogenic variability and mycotoxins - (Abstract)
Manandhar, G., Desjardins, A.E., Manandhar, H.K., Busman, M. 2007. Fusarium graminearum: an important pathogen of maize in Nepal, pathogenic variability and mycotoxins (abstract). 25th National Summer Crops Research Workshop, Nepal Agriculture Research Institute.
Development of monoclonal antibodies for the Fusarin mycotoxins - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Maragos, C.M., Busman, M., Plattner, R.D. 2008. Development of monoclonal antibodies for the Fusarin mycotoxins. Journal of Food Additives & Contaminants. 25(1):105-114.
Wheat kernel black point and fumonisin contamination by Fusarium proliferatum - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Desjardins, A.E., Busman, M., Proctor, R., Stessman, R.J. 2007. Wheat kernel black point and fumonisin contamination by Fusarium proliferatum. Journal of Food Additives & Contaminants. 24(10):1131-1137.
Characterization of polyketide synthase genes in the genus Fusarium - (Abstract)
Proctor, R., Butchko, R.A., Brown, D.W., Busman, M. 2007. Characterization of polyketide synthase genes in the genus Fusarium [abstract]. XV European Mycological Congress. p. 282.
The Fusarium verticillioides FUM gene cluster encodes a Zn(II)2Cys6 protein that affects FUM gene expression and fumonisin production - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Brown, D.W., Butchko, R.A., Busman, M., Proctor, R. 2007. The Fusarium verticillioides FUM gene cluster encodes a Zn(II)2Cys6 protein that affects FUM gene expression and fumonisin production. Eukaryotic Cell. 6:1210-1218.
Characterization of a Fumonisin Biosynthetic Gene Cluster in Fusarium Oxysporum Strain O-1890 - (Abstract)
Proctor, R., Busman, M., Plattner, R.D. 2007. Characterization of a fumonisin biosynthetic gene cluster in fusarium oxysporum strain O-1890 [abstract]. Fungal Genetics Conference. p. 105.
Characterization of the fumonisin biosynthetic regulatory gene FUM21 and multiple alternative splice forms - (Abstract)
Brown, D.W., Butchko, R.A., Busman, M., Proctor, R. 2007. Characterization of the fumonisin biosynthetic regulatory gene FUM21 and multiple alternative splice forms [abstract]. Fungal Genetics Conference. p. 121.
Genomic analysis of Fusarium verticillioides - (Abstract)
Brown, D.W., Butchko, R.A., Busman, M., Kendra, D.F., Proctor, R. 2006. Genomic analysis of Fusarium verticillioides [abstract]. 10th U.S. Japan Cooperative Program in Natural Resources (UJNR) International Symposium on Toxic Microorganisms. Talk #8.
Novel regulation of Fumonisin biosynthesis by Fusarium verticillioides via a Zn(II)2Cys6 transcriptional factor - (Abstract)
Brown, D.W., Butchko, R.A., Busman, M., Proctor, R. 2006. Novel regulation of Fumonisin biosynthesis by Fusarium verticillioides via a Zn(II)2Cys6 transcriptional factor [abstract]. World Mycotoxin Fourth Conference. Poster 1.
Wheat kernel black point and fumonisin contamination by Fusarium Proliferatum - (Abstract)
Desjardins, A.E., Busman, M., Proctor, R., Stessman, R.J. 2006. Wheat kernel black point and fumonisin contamination by Fusarium Proliferatum [abstract]. National Fusarium Head Blight Forum. p. 57.
ESTs Provide Unique Insight to Fumonisin Regulatory Gene FUM21 - (Abstract)
Brown, D.W., Butchko, R.A., Busman, M., Proctor, R. 2006. ESTs provide unique insight to fumonisin regulatory gene fum21 [abstract]. Aflatoxin Elimination Workshop. p. 42.
Identification and characterization of regulators of FUM gene expression - (Abstract)
Butchko, R.A., Brown, D.W., Busman, M., Proctor, R. 2006. Identification and characterization of regulators of FUM gene expression [abstract]. Aflatoxin Elimination Workshop. p. 36.
Expressed Sequence Tags (Ests), Fum Cluster Transcription Factor and Microarrays - (Abstract)
Brown, D.W., Butchko, R.A., Busman, M., Proctor, R. 2006. Expressed sequence tags (ests), fum cluster transcription factor and microarrays [abstract]. The Institute for Genomic Research. Talk #1.
The Role of Fusarium Biodiversity in Plant Pathogenicity and Biological Control - (Abstract)
Desjardins, A.E., Busman, M., Maragos, C.M., Stessman, R.J., Proctor, R. 2006. The role of fusarium biodiversity in plant pathogenicity and biological control [abstract]. Mycological International Conference. p. 42.
Microarray Evidence for Gene Clusters Involved in Polyketide Biosynthesis in the Fumonisin-Producing Fungus Fusarium Verticillioides - (Proceedings/Symposium)
Proctor, R., Butchko, R.A., Brown, D.W., Busman, M., Plattner, R.D. 2006. Microarray evidence for gene clusters involved in polyketide biosynthesis in the fumonisin-producing fungus fusarium verticillioides. Mycological International Conference. p. 35.
Fumonisin Biosynthesis by Fusarium Verticillioides Is Regulated by a Unique Zn(ii)2cys6 Transcriptional Factor. - (Abstract)
Brown, D.W., Butchko, R.A., Busman, M., Proctor, R. 2006. Fumonisin biosynthesis by fusarium verticillioides is regulated by a unique zn(ii)2cys6 transcriptional factor [abstract]. Gordon Research Conference on Cellular and Molecular Fungal Biology.
Characterization of Polyketide Synthase Genes from Fusarium Verticillioides - (Abstract)
Proctor, R., Butchko, R.A., Brown, D.W., Busman, M., Plattner, R.D. 2006. Characterization of polyketide synthase genes from fusarium verticillioides [abstract]. American Phytopathological Society Annual Meeting. 96:S95.
Fusarium Genomics As a Tool to Control Mycotoxins - (Abstract)
Proctor, R., Butchko, R.A., Brown, D.W., Busman, M., Plattner, R.D. 2006. Fusarium genomics as a tool to control mycotoxins [abstract]. 47th Annual Corn Dry Milling Conference. p. 5.
Biosynthesis of Fusarium Mycotoxins and Genomics of Fusarium Verticillioides. - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Proctor, R.H., Desjardins, A.E., Brown, D.W., McCormick, S.P., Butchko, R.A.E., Alexander, N., Busman, M. 2006. Biosynthesis of Fusarium mycotoxins and genomics of Fusarium verticillioides. Mycotoxin Research. 22(2):75-78.
Mycotoxins in Developing Countries: a Case Study of Maize in Nepal - (Abstract)
Desjardins, A.E., Busman, M. 2006. Mycotoxins in developing countries: A case study of maize in Nepal [abstract]. Mycotoxin Research. 22(2):92-95.
Production and Characterization of a Monoclonal Antibody Cross-Reactive with the Mycotoxins Nivalenol and 4-Deoxynivalenol - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Maragos, C.M., Busman, M., Sugita-Konishi, Y. 2006. Production and characterization of a monoclonal antibody cross-reactive with the mycotoxins nivalenol and 4-deoxynivalenol. Food Additives and Contaminants. 23(8):816-825.
Fumonisin Production in the Corn Pathogen Fusarium Verticillioides: the Genetic Basis of Naturally Occurring Chemical Variation - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Proctor, R.H., Plattner, R.D., Desjardins, A.E., Busman, M., Butchko, R.A.E. 2006. Fumonisin production in the corn pathogen Fusarium verticillioides: the genetic basis of naturally occurring chemical variation. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemisty. 54:2424-2430.
Mining Expressed Sequence Tags (Ests) Leads to Identification of Putative Fum Cluster Transcription Factor - (Abstract)
Brown, D.W., Butchko, R.A., Busman, M., Proctor, R. 2005. Mining Expressed sequence tags (ESTs) leads to identification of putative fum cluster transcription factor [abstract]. Proceedings of the 4th Annaul Fungal Genomics, 5th Annual Multicrop Fumonisin, and 17th Annual Aflatoxin Elimination Workshops. p. 38.
Polyketide Synthases in Fusarium Verticillioides: Potential Targets to Control Fumonisin Contamination in Corn - (Abstract)
Proctor, R., Butchko, R.A., Plattner, R.D., Busman, M., Brown, D.W., Desjardins, A.E. 2005. Polyketide synthases in fusarium verticillioides: potential targets to control fumonisin contamination in corn [abstract]. Proceedings of the 4th Annual Fungal Genomics, 5th Annual Multi-Crop Fumonisin, and 17th Annual Aflatoxin Elimination Workshops. p. 58.
Using Genomics Approaches to Characterize Potential Fumonisin Regulatory Genes - (Abstract)
Butchko, R.A.E, Proctor, R.H., Brown, D.W., Woloshuk, C.P., Bluhm, B.H., Busman, M. 2005. Using genomics approaches to characterize potential fumonisin regulatory genes [abstract]. Proceedings of the 4th Annual Fungal Genomics, 5th Annual Multi-Crop Fumonisin, and 17th Annual Aflatoxin Elimination Workshops. p. 60.
Mycotoxins in Developing Countries: a Case Study of Maize in Nepal - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Desjardins, A.E., Busman, M. 2006. Mycotoxins in developing countries: a case study of maize in Nepal. Mycotoxin Research. 22(2):92-95.
Biosynthesis of Fusarium Mycotoxins and Genomics of Fusarium Verticillioides - (Abstract)
Proctor, R.H., Desjardins, A.E., Brown, D.W., McCormick, S.P., Butchko, R.A.E., Alexander, N., Busman, M. 2006. Biosynthesis of Fusarium mycotoxins and genomics of Fusarium verticillioides [abstract]. EU-USA Bilateral Workshop on Toxigenic Fungi and Mycotoxins.

Last Modified: 05/06/2009
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