Leave No Trace

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Why Leave No Trace?

An increase in boating activity along the John Day River means an increase in the signs of human presence: more fire rings on the beaches, more piles of toilet paper behind the trees, more bits of trash around the camp, etc. The greater the number of people, the more each person's actions affect the condition of the land and the quality of the experience for all.

Many people who have boated the John Day River over the years are concerned about the cumulative effects of more and more people using the same campsites. By practicing a few simple Leave No Trace camping techniques, the signs of human pressure on the river canyon can be greatly reduced. Please help protect the river you know and love by following these Leave No Trace techniques for river corridors:

Prevent Wildfires - Obey Fire Restrictions

When a fire closure is in effect, all fires are prohibited including the use of charcoal. Propane and white gas are permitted. Smoking is permitted only while in a boat on the river or inside your vehicle.

Protect Campsites from Fire Scars - Use a Firepan

Firepans eliminate unsightly campfire rings and their trash and protect the natural environment. When campfires are allowed, use of a metal firepan or fire blanket is required, so that no trace of your fire remains.

A firepan is a metal tray with rigid sides at least two inches high. Oil drains pans, small barrels cut in half, and backyard barbecue grills make effective and inexpensive firepans. Firepans are also available from river and horsepacking equipment suppliers. Elevate the firepan with flat rocks to avoid scorching sand or blackening the soil. Locate the firepan close to the river and away from dry grasses and other vegetation.

Burn only wood from home, driftwood, or charcoal. Do not cut live or dead vegetation. Carry out all ash and charcoal remains. Burn your fire down to white ash, let it cool completely, and pack out all of the ash with your trash.

Keep a Clean Camp - Pack It In/Pack It Out

Pack out all litter and garbage. Remove food scraps from the kitchen area to avoid attracting ants, flies, and rodents. Do not bury trash as animals will dig it up. Strain all dish/waste water through a screen to remove food particles, and pack them out. Scatter waste water over a wide area, away from campsites, at least 200 ft. from the river. Soap should be used sparingly; even biodegradable varieties take a long time to break down.

Preserve Campsite Quality - Carry Out Human Waste

In arid river canyons like the John Day, solid human waste decomposes very slowly. A river campsite can be transformed into a large "cat box" overnight by just one party utilizing the "cat hole" method of disposal.

Just imagine how many people will use that same site in one season, day after day. As use levels increase, it becomes unacceptable to leave human waste within the river canyon.

On overnight trips, all boating parties are required to carry a portable, reusable toilet system that can be dumped at a proper waste facility, such as the BLM dump stations at Clarno and Cottonwood, or an RV dump station. Toilets using plastic bags are not compatible with dump stations; please don't use them. EPA regulations prohibit dumping solid human waste into garbage receptacles and landfills. The Wag Bag system is permitted for use on the John Day River. Used Wag Bags must be transported home for disposal. Disposing of Wag Bags in a river toilet dump station is prohibited.

To protect canyon resources and enhance visitor enjoyment, BLM requires the following of all overnight boating parties on the John Day River:

  • Firepans for all open fires
  • Porta-potty for human waste