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Office of Democracy & Governance
Success Stories

This City Hall in Akhaltsikhe, a medium-sized city in western Georgia, is now owned by the local government. Empowering Local Government

New law shifts property ownership from central to local government
.In Georgia, the central government owned the property used by local governments on a day-to-day basis, such as city halls, park equipment, and municipal water and sewage systems. While the central government allowed local governments to use this property, the situation restricted local government’s ability to make important decisions regarding repair, maintenance, and quality control. As a result, in many communities, government buildings and local infrastructure are falling apart.

USAID’s local government project assisted the Georgian government in writing a law that transferred this property from central to local government... more

Contact Information

Office of Democracy and Governance
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20523
Tel: 202-712-1892




  • The Governance Division had primary responsibility for conceptualizing, drafting and disseminating USAID’s Anticorruption Strategy. The strategy outlines the Agency’s approach to corruption and charts a course for a more strategic approach to addressing corruption in all of USAID’s work.

  • The Governance Division leads the effort to support implementation of the MCC Threshold Country Program (TCP). For those countries falling short of MCC eligibility, the Governance Division works with the PPC/MCC Secretariat to evaluate country performance on key governance indicators and provides technical advice and support to countries developing concept papers and business plans for MCC’s Threshold Country Program.

  • Security Sector Reform (SSR) has taken on greater importance with USAID’s new emphasis on engaging Fragile States. The Governance Division worked to disseminate the latest OECD Development Assistance Committee policy on security sector reform and to develop new analytical approaches.

  • The Division’s approach to Democratic Local Governance and Decentralization is aimed at defining the roles of, and division of authority between, governments at various levels of the state. In addition, our assistance helps mission programs improve the ability of citizens to participate more fully in political processes by making local governments more accountable, transparent, and responsive. USAID’s Guidebook on Decentralization and Local Government is one of the most frequently downloaded DG publications.

  • Parliamentary strengthening activities include technical support to more than twenty countries. In addition, USAID provides support to the House Development Assistance Committee, a Commission created by the U.S. House of Representatives, which provides peer-to-peer support, technical advice and training to parliamentarians around the world.

  • New programs have been designed to enhance democratic governance in transformational development states and fragile states. The BRDG IQC provides capability to work across multiple areas of governance, including state formation, public administration, policy reform and implementation.

  • The Governance Division has led efforts to bring DG training to the field, offering regional training workshops in El Salvador and Ecuador in January 2005. As part of the implementation of the Agency anticorruption strategy, specialists have developed and piloted workshops which focus on mainstreaming anticorruption approaches across USAID’s development work.

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USAID’s support to Transparency International (TI) has been critical to the development of this flagship anti-corruption Non- Governmental Organization. TI’s work on the Corruption Perceptions Index, advocacy work on behalf of global instruments such as the OECD Anti-bribery Convention and OAS Anticorruption Convention, and the local efforts of over 80 national chapters of TI all serve to amplify USAID’s investment in this area.

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