2002 Transformation Plan  
The United States Postal Service Transformation Plan.
The Postal Service™ has delivered its Transformation Plan to Congress. This comprehensive Plan was developed to address both the near-term and long-term efforts that will result in a continued ability to fulfill the mission of the Postal Service – to deliver business and personal mail affordably to everyone, everywhere.

Postal Service leadership commits to leading the near-term effort of managing the immediate challenges facing the Postal Service. Successful long-term transformation that safeguards universal service in the future is contingent upon the commitment of all stakeholders to work together toward a common vision. It is hoped that this Transformation Plan will spur public policy debate on the most appropriate long-term structure necessary to ensure an efficient, reliable and innovative delivery service sector that meets the future, diverse, economic needs of the nation.

Transformation Plan April 2002 (pdf)
Postmaster General's speech to the National Press Club (txt)
Transformation Plan Outline for Discussion
Outline for Discussion: Concepts for Postal Transformation

Main Body of Report (pdf) (txt)

Appendices, Part 1 (pdf) (txt)

Appendices, Part 2 (pdf) (txt)

Appendices, Part 3 (pdf) (txt)

Transformation Plan Progress Report
The Transformation Plan, introduced in 2002, is a blueprint for the future of the Postal Service™. It’s a work in progress. We’ve accomplished a lot in only 18 months, but there’s more to be done.

Transformation Plan Progress Report (pdf) (html)

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