USCIS Holds Naturalization Ceremony at George Mason University

WASHINGTON — U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Acting Director Jonathan “Jock” Scharfen administered the Oath of Allegiance to America’s 50 newest citizens today during a naturalization ceremony at George Mason University (GMU) in Fairfax, Va.

“Throughout our 230 years as a nation, the lasting contributions of immigrants have shaped our national identity, formed the ideal of the American dream and built upon the foundations of freedom and equality established by our founding fathers,” Scharfen told the new citizens.

Scharfen also presented Professor Abul Hussam of GMU with the Outstanding American by Choice certificate.  The recognition given by USCIS acknowledges naturalized citizens who have made significant contributions to both their community and their adopted country.

Hussam, born in Bangladesh, developed a household water treatment system that removes arsenic from contaminated groundwater.  To date, approximately 100,000 filters have been distributed in Bangladesh, Nepal, and India.  “Dr. Hussam joins more than 50 individuals who we have recognized over the past two years as Outstanding Americans by Choice,” added Scharfen.

The 50 Americans naturalized today are originally from: Argentina; Bangladesh; Canada; China; Colombia; El Salvador; Ethiopia; Honduras; India; Iran; Ivory Coast; Jordan; Lithuania; Malaysia; Morocco; Netherlands; Pakistan; Peru; Philippines; Romania; Sierra Leone; South Africa; South Korea; Sudan; Sweden; Togo; Trinidad; Turkey; and Vietnam.

For more information on USCIS and its programs and services, visit

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Last updated:10/21/2008