USAID from the American People/Dominican Republic

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Health and Population

usaid/dr assists dominicans in obtaining Sustained Improvement in the Health of Vulnerable Populations

  • Total Planned Contribution: $68.8 million

A patient is shown a TB chart, part of the DOTS strategyUSAID’s 2002-2007 strategy focuses on four areas to address the most critical health care needs in the Dominican Republic. This program helps to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis (TB), and to improve primary health care services, addressing policy, managerial, and service-delivery weaknesses.  USAID works with governmental and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to improve access and increase use of preventive and basic care services for HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted infections  in vulnerable,  infected and affected groups; to achieve sustainable, effective public and private maternal health and family planning services; to improve children’s health through better access to immunization services; and to increase the efficiency, efficacy, and equity of local basic health care services.

HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care and Tuberculosis Detection/Care: 

USAID’s activities focus on increasing the quality of, and access to, prevention and care services for HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted infections in vulnerable, infected, and affected groups. USAID funds a network of NGOs that provides prevention information targeted at vulnerable groups and support to HIV positive individuals. These NGOs also work in the policy arena to reduce stigma and discrimination against infected persons. USAID provides additional assistance to implement mother-to-child transmission prevention, voluntary counseling and testing, and pre-packaged therapy programs. USAID collaborates with the Presidential HIV/AIDS Council and other donors to promote the participation of different sectors of Dominican society in the national HIV/AIDS prevention effort. USAID supports the National Tuberculosis Program for the detection and cure of TB, via the Directly Observed Treatment Short-course (DOTS) strategy. 

Maternal and Reproductive Health Services

Maternal mortality and adolescent pregnancy rates are extraordinarily high. USAID and its partners are lowering these rates by working with public sector health-care providers and community organizations in selected regions to improve the quality of pre- and postnatal care and ensure safe birthing. The Agency also helps its local partners reduce teenage pregnancy by forming networks of peer educators and improving counseling services. To sustain these improvements over the long-term, USAID provides assistance to its local partners to build their management capacity and help them become financially self-sustaining.  At the policy level, USAID is advocating for national quality of care standards and active participation in coalitions like the “White Ribbon Alliance” for safe motherhood.   

Child Survival Services

Data show that pivotal factors in children’s survival in the Dominican Republic are vaccines and potable water.  Historically, access to these for the poor has been limited. Thus, USAID works with local partners to increase immunization rates by improving fixed sites for vaccinations with reliable refrigeration. USAID also works with the Dominican National Water Authority to increase rural communities’ access to potable water through the “Total Community Participation” model. 

Health Sector Reform

Assisting the Dominican Ministry of Health to improve the management and technical capabilities of its institutions is the key to achieving long-lasting, quality health care for all Dominicans. As a pilot for developing replicable norms and standards, USAID is working with the regional and provincial health directorate in Region V (Eastern Region), implementing seventeen demonstration projects at different hospitals and clinics. The USAID team also facilitates public health care system reform through technical assistance to the Social Security Commission, the Commission for Health Sector Reform, and new institutions of the new social security system.


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