USAID/EGYPT From the American People
Health & Population

Healthier, Planned Families

Health is a key element of economic development and poverty alleviation.  Over the last three decades, USAID has invested more than $800 million in Egypt’s Population and Health sector. USAID assisted in upgrading clinics and hospital obstetric and neonatal wards, improving clinical skills, establishing management and logistical systems for the Ministry of Health and Population, educating the public on healthy behaviors, enhancing information management systems, improving pre-service medical and nursing education, developing an infectious disease surveillance and response system, and reorganizing the primary health care service delivery system.  USAID programs improved health and family planning knowledge and practice, encouraged healthy behaviors, prevented illnesses for millions of Egyptians and saved thousands of lives.


Through 2011, USAID will continue to work closely with the Government of Egypt on health and population programs that improve the health and welfare of Egyptians, primarily in the areas of:

  • Family planning/reproductive health,
  • Maternal/child health 
  • Prevention of infectious disease, including HIV/AIDS

To strengthen the impact of these service delivery efforts, USAID will also provide assistance in the area of health communication and promotion.

Integrated Maternal/Child Health and Family Planning / Reproductive Health


mother carrying baby

Over three decades of assistance, USAID has helped the Government of Egypt reduce maternal mortality by more than 50%, and infant mortality by more than 70%.  The use of contraceptives has more than doubled, and the average Egyptian family size is now 3 children. 


Growing recognition that maternal/child health and family planning are inherently connected has led USAID to design one, integrated program.  To support Government of Egypt efforts in reducing population growth and improving the health and well-being of mothers and children, USAID assists the Ministry of Health and Population, NGOs and the private sector in:

  • Advancing the integration of family planning/ reproductive health and maternal/child health services at the hospital and clinic level. 
  • Renovating and equipping clinics, introducing quality assurance systems and encouraging client-oriented policies. 
  • Renovating and equipping maternity wards, delivery rooms, operating theaters, and neonatal care centers, happy baby receiving checkupintroducing quality assurance systems.
  • Introducing a basic package of maternal/child health services (including essential obstetric and neonatal care) in districts where maternal and infant mortality is still high.
  • Improving child care at the clinic level, including immunizations and appropriate treatment of childhood illnesses.
  • Supporting polio eradication efforts.
  • Ensuring availability of accurate and quality family planning information and services, particularly among the priority groups, such as youth,  newlyweds and women after childbirth.
  • Ensuring sufficient supply of quality contraceptives.
  • Increasing financial and program sustainability of integrated health services by promoting corporate and community participation, and public/private sector partnerships.

Infectious Disease Surveillance and Response


To assist in building Egypt’s capacity to conduct infectious disease surveillance and to respond to endemic and emerging diseases, USAID helps:

  • Develop and improve a national infectious disease surveillance and response system,  including establishing USAID-supported units in all governorates.

  • Define case standards and methods of investigation, improve infection control practices, and adopt safe laboratory habits.

  • health worker at his computerDevelop and promote interventions leading to the prevention and control of blood-borne and other pathogens. 

  •  Build the capacity of NGOs to work in the areas of HIV/AIDS.

  • Improve quality of care through training of epidemiologists and other health providers.


Health Communication and Promotion

health educators with IEC materialTo enable families and communities to better protect and maintain their health, USAID helps the Government of Egypt and communities throughout Egypt understand health concerns and change health behaviors and lifestyle practices.  Specifically, USAID helps:

  • Mobilize communities to conduct health education and promote utilization of health services, and trains community leaders to oversee community-level clinic management.
  • Enhance the Government of Egypt, as well as NGO and commercial sector, capacity to develop and implement health advocacy and health promotion initiatives.
  • Utilize a variety of communication tools, from large-scale mass media to targeted group and community-level interventions to increase clients’ health awareness and adoption of healthy practices.
  • Coordinate and support health promotion topics and activities of USAID’s entire population and health program.


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