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With nearly a quarter of Lesotho’s adult population estimated to be HIV positive, AIDS constitutes an alarming threat. First reported in Lesotho in 1986, HIV spread rapidly after 1993, when adult prevalence was about 4 percent. According to UNAIDS, HIV prevalence among women in the 25- to 29-year age group attending antenatal clinics was 38 percent in 2005. Recent surveillance data suggest a decline in infection levels among young pregnant women 15 to 24 years old; however, this may be due to additional surveillance sites in the most recent survey. In Lesotho, HIV prevalence is higher in urban areas than in rural areas. The overall coverage of HIV-related services is low. By the end of 2006, only 31 percent of the HIV-infected population was receiving antiretroviral therapy.

USAID’s programs focus primarily on prevention, including prevention of mother-to-child AIDS transmission, male circumcision, and behavior change communication; capacity building for community-based programming; the human capacity crisis; and supply chain management systems. USAID is assisting the Government of Lesotho to address the human capacity crisis by supporting the improvement of the quality, accessibility, and use of priority health care services. Support for human capacity programs is provided by a coalition of international and regional organizations led by IntraHealth and including the Foundation for Professional Development, Management Sciences for Health, the Training Resources Group, Cohsasa, and the East, Central, and Southern Africa Health Community.

View the USAID HIV/AIDS Health Profile for Lesotho - September 2008 [PDF, 102KB]

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