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Envelope Contact Global Health


Pharmaceutical Procurement and Management

Photo of a pharmacist filling a prescription at a local clinic in South Africa.

  Pharmacist filling a prescription in a South African local clinic.
Source: Carmen Urdaneta

In many parts of developing countries, there are enormous gaps in meeting the demand for essential drugs and commodities. Appropriate use of therapeutic drugs - both in terms of providers' prescribing practices and consumers' adherence to drug regimens - poses an additional challenge.

USAID improves the availability and use of quality health commodities, such as pharmaceuticals, vaccines, medical supplies, and basic equipment, through the following strategies:

  • Working with policymakers, researchers, managers, and providers in both the public and private sectors to identify within health commodity systems the root causes of ineffective supply, poor access, and inappropriate use

  • Collaborating with these partners to implement new and proven approaches to address these problems

  • Expanding on proven commodity management methodologies and tools for global technical leadership, regional initiatives, and country programs

  • Rethinking the roles of the public and private sectors in service provision and regulation

  • Improving the financial sustainability of commodity systems and strengthening their operational efficiency

  • Training public health workers and health professionals in drug information and pharmacotherapy to improve competence and accountability in drug dispensing

  • Developing and disseminating evidence-based drug and therapeutic information

Through the Rational Pharmaceutical Management Plus Project and the United States Pharmacopeia Drug Quality Information Program, USAID is ensuring that essential medicines and other health commodities are available and used correctly in order to meet the global goal of improving public health.

Other Pharmaceutical Management Related Projects at USAID:


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