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Envelope Contact Global Health

RHInterchange: A Web Site for Coordination of Contraceptive Orders and Shipments

The RHInterchange is a free Web-based information system that provides accurate information on past, present, and future orders and shipment information for contraceptive supplies. Easier tracking of supplies allows for better planning and more effective supply chain management. The RHInterchange will enhance program planning and management, donor coordination and harmonization, and research and advocacy, thereby contributing to the USAID ’s institutional goal to improve contraceptive security.

As a member of the Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition, USAID supports the collection and use of information to improve the management of reproductive health supplies for country programs. The RHInterchange contains information for more than 140 countries and consolidates data from the International Planned Parenthood Federation; the United Nations Population Fund, including when it carries out third-party procurement on behalf of other organizations; USAID | DELIVER PROJECT; Crown Agents, which carries out procurement on behalf of the U.K. Department for International Development; and Cycle Technologies. The Web site contains historical data and future and planned shipments of male condoms, female condoms, foam/jelly spermicides, IUDs, implants, injectables, orals (combined, emergency, and progestin only), vaginal foaming tablets/suppository spermicides, and Standard Days Method pieces.

RHInterchange staff are working to expand the Web site's information base to include procurements conducted by PSI, Marie Stopes International, and others.

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