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Envelope Contact Global Health

Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR): Overview

USAID's Strategy for Combating AMR

Over the past half century, antimicrobial therapies, especially antibiotics for bacterial diseases (e.g. pneumonia) and anti-parasitic drugs for parasitic diseases (e.g. malaria) have been important weapons against infectious microbes. However, the wide-spread, often indiscriminate use of these drugs has contributed to the emergence of drug resistant strains of infectious organisms. As a result, diseases such as pneumonia, bacterial dysentery, malaria, sexually transmitted infections, and tuberculosis, once manageable by available therapies, are becoming increasingly more difficult and costly to treat. These resistant strains move readily across national borders and many have already made substantial inroads in the U.S.

Since 1998, USAID's efforts in the fight against antimicrobial resistance have focused on five key areas:

  • Establishing a global strategy and action plan
  • Improving the understanding of antimicrobial resistance
  • Developing methods to detect antimicrobial resistance
  • Responding to data on antimicrobial resistance and drug use
  • Preventing and slowing the spread of antimicrobial resistance

The Drug Management Cycle explains the framework for drug management support for antimicrobial resistance.

USAID Programs Use the Following Approaches:

  • Global and Local Advocacy
  • Training
  • Research
  • Appropriate Drug Use and Quality
  • Country-Level Interventions
  • Drug Management Cycle

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