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Immunization Essentials Order Form

Originally published in October 2003, Immunization Essentials: A Practical Field Guide has been produced and funded by the Office of Health, Infectious Diseases, and Nutrition (HIDN) in USAID's Bureau for Global Health. Like its predecessor, EPI Essentials (1988), this manual has been written for immunization program managers at national and sub-national levels in developing countries and for people who support these managers, particularly field staff of donor agencies.

The guide is free and available in English [order a CD-ROM below or download the PDF, 3.7MB; hardcopy currently unavailable], French [order hardcopy below or download PDF, 4.9MB], and Spanish [only available in PDF, 3.7MB].

To order a hardcopy of the Guide or CD-ROM, please complete the order form below.

English Translation
Immunization Essentials: A Practical Field Guide (CD-ROM)
Order a CD-ROM version of this publication. [Limit 5]
French Translation
Fondements de l’immunisation: Guide pratique
Order a hardcopy of this publication. [Limit 3]
Fondements de l’immunisation: Guide pratique (CD-ROM)
Order a CD-ROM version of this publication. [Limit 5]

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Note: Larger orders will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Please submit the minimum order, and email with justification for a larger order. Please contact with any questions or concerns.

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