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Envelope Contact Global Health


USAID is a leading sponsor of biomedical, operations, and behavioral research and is the single largest bilateral donor in the field of contraceptive research and development. This work has led to significant advances in the development of new and improved contraceptive pills, IUDs, female controlled barrier methods that can protect against sexually transmitted infections, and has led to the development of many entirely new contraceptive methods, including Norplant®, the Reality® female condom, new standard and loose-fitting non-latex plastic male condoms, and improving the effectiveness of two of the best known methods of natural birth spacing, the lactational amenorrhea method (LAM) and Standard Days Method (SDM). USAID also uses research to develop a better understanding of the needs of clients and to improve services, ultimately providing more people greater access to a wider variety of safe, effective, and acceptable contraceptive methods and efficient family planning services and programs.


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