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Envelope Contact Global Health

Family Planning and HIV Prevention Integration

Photo of children attending a health festival in Tolonguina, Madagascar, hold a flag to remember those lost to HIV/AIDS.

Children attend a health festival in Tolonguina, Madagascar, and hold a flag to remember those lost to HIV/AIDS. Source: ©2006 Madeleine Pryor, Courtesy of Photoshare

In an era when approximately 33 million adults and children are living with HIV/AIDS and women of childbearing age account for nearly half of the infected population, family planning (FP) has a critical role to play in curbing the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Integrating programs provides opportunities to reach important populations with critical information and services. USAID’s family planning and HIV/AIDS key areas for integration include prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT); voluntary counseling and testing (VCT); antiretroviral treatment (ART); and the development of innovative contraceptive technologies such as microbicides. Integrated family planning and HIV/AIDS services have the potential to reduce missed opportunities and provide comprehensive reproductive health care that addresses the dual risk of HIV infection and unintended pregnancy.

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