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USAID: From The American People HIV/AIDS Anti-malaria campaign reduces the number of infections - Click to read this story
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Multisectoral Programs

Photo of a driver for United Bottlers, one of Coca-Cola’s main bottlers in Zimbabwe, loading Protector Plus on his truck before a road trip.
  In Zimbabwe, USAID contractor Population Services International (PSI) is capitalizing on Coca-Cola’s marketing and logistics expertise to fight the AIDS pandemic. Read more [PDF, 2MB] Source: PSI

Because of the far-reaching impact of the HIV/AIDS pandemic across all sectors of society, an effective response to HIV/AIDS requires action from all sectors, both to mitigate the impact of HIV on each sector and to develop a comprehensive approach to prevention, care, and support that will reach the greatest number of people at risk. The U.S. Agency for International Development supports multisectoral responses to HIV/AIDS in many of its programs, including health, education, agriculture, democracy and governance, and economic growth.

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