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Envelope Contact Global Health


DOTS expansion and strengthening requires an adequate and well-trained workforce. Currently, the needs for such an effective TB workforce outstrip the supply of trained personnel at all levels of service delivery. To address this problem, USAID supports all aspects of human resource capacity development, including training for physicians, nurses, laboratory technicians, program managers, epidemiologists, community outreach workers, social workers, and pulmonary specialists. In addition to training in the core elements of DOTS and TB control, capacity building in areas such as problem solving, supervision, management and planning is provided. These measures facilitate effective program expansion, improve program performance, and enhance the ability of program managers and supervisors to address problems in program implementation. Attention is given to increasing and strengthening the training and technical capacity of academic institutions such as Schools of Public Health, Medicine and Nursing, and other Allied Health Professions. Specialized training in areas such as operations research, drug management, treatment of MDR TB and TB-HIV/AIDS co-infection, and infection control is also being provided. USAID supports the development, adaptation, translation and dissemination of training materials that address DOTS and related skill areas described above. USAID also provides drug management training for MDR-TB pilot sites approved by the Green Light Committee in a variety of regions.

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