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Learn About Heart Disease

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The Basics

What causes plaque in the arteries?

  • Smoking
  • High amounts of fat and cholesterol in the blood
  • High blood pressure
  • High levels of sugar in the blood (usually because of diabetes)

All of these factors can cause plaque to build up in the arteries. Over time, the plaque can narrow or completey block the arteries.

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the United States. To learn more about managing heart disease, visit these Web sites:

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If you or a loved one has heart disease, or if you are at risk for getting heart disease, talk to a doctor about ways to stay healthy.
  • What should I eat and how active should I be to keep my heart healthy?
  • Should I be tested for heart disease?
  • What are my blood pressure numbers and cholesterol levels? What should they be?
  • Do I need medication?
  • Can you help me quit smoking?

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