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Research Project: Health Promoting Foods: Enzymatic Modified Cereals and Their Carbohydrates

Location: Cereal Products and Food Science Research

2005 Annual Report

1.What major problem or issue is being resolved and how are you resolving it (summarize project aims and objectives)? How serious is the problem? What does it matter?
The research project addressed two major problems related to the National Program 306 Action Plan:.
1)Generation of new value-added products from cereal grains; and.
2)Generation of new healthy grain products for improving American diets by reducing saturated fat and increasing dietary fibers. Technologies were generated on new fat replacers representing value-added opportunities for cereal grains and better nutritional choices for the American public. Technical problems were resolved on the processing and preparation of dietary fibers from cereals to obtain new fat replacers with nutraceutical attributes. The problem was and still is very serious regarding the state of post harvest technology and the nutritional status of the American public, particularly regarding obesity and aging diseases. In the late 1990's, annual U.S. trade deficits have been around $100 billion. In 1999, an all time high of about $225 billion was expected. Prolonged trade deficits of this magnitude threaten the economic vitality of America. Also, aging diseases are now costing the U.S. about $100 billion per year for medical treatment and lost wages. The eating practice of not including sufficient grain products in the diet is known to be related to many aging and health-related problems, including heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Solving the problem matters because several cereal ingredients could be considerably helpful. During this project, three cereal grain products were invented that are adding health benefits to the American diets. These three products were invented at National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research (NCAUR) and part of the Trim technologies. These inventions could have a large impact on preventing aging diseases, as well as other chronic diseases. In addition, the Trim technologies are creating new markets for grain, as well as American agricultural jobs and improving the farm economy.

This research falls under National Program 306 - Quality and Utilization of Agricultural Products; Component 2 - New processes, New Uses, and Value Added Foods and Biobased Products; Problem Area 2A - New Product Technology and Problem Area 2C - New and Improved Processes and Feedstocks.

2.List the milestones (indicators of progress) from your Project Plan.
2004: Survey cereals and other products including grains, flours, bran and hulls for suitable levels of soluble fiber that have promise for increasing the bioactive component in concentrates by unique processing techniques. Develop the analytical procedures for total dietary fiber, TDF (Foss analyzer); soluble fiber (Megazyme procedure); as well as the proximate analysis (AACC procedures). Select the starting materials with the most promising TDF and soluble fiber levels for further evaluation. (Inglett)

2005: Develop new chemical and physical methods processing techniques including ultrasonics for sonication and cellular disruptive methods including the Polytron (Kinemetrica), and related Silverson equipment. After degradative procedures are established, the particulated materials are separated using particle separators including Sweco sieves, centrifugal sieves, and centrifuges by Beckman, Sharples, and Westfalia for concentrating the bioactive fractions with significant soluble fiber component. (Inglett) 2006: Hydrothermal and microfluiderization will be explored, as well as hydrocolloidal aggregative formations, primarily the use of hydrophilic solvents, to selectively separate bioactive soluble fiber components. The concentrated soluble fiber beta-glucan materials from these procedures will be examined by Rapid Visco Analyser (RVA), Cannon viscometer, spectrocolorimeter, Brabender Farinograph,and rheometers such as the ARESLS. (Inglett).

2007: The selected procedures and products will be at the level of development for the most elegant scientific evaluation including the prior methods developed but increased level of study with X-ray diffraction and calorimetric DSC procedures. Also, it will be necessary to establish material stability using the Photochem method for free radicals using photochemluminscent detection. From these evaluations, preliminary examinations will be made on their utility in food applications as a measure of their functional properties.

2008: Products that are found to be most suitable will be scaled up for preparing large samples. These samples will be examined as described by the procedures mentioned in earlier years and further evaluated in-house for utility, and shared with collaborators and potential users. Additional scale up will be made to develop improvements for ARS generated Trim Technologies: Oatrim, Z-Trim, and Nutrim primarily to develop the elevated fiber level products, the “super” level products. Also, cooperation will continue with industrial licensees to expand Trim Technologies. (Inglett)

4a.What was the single most significant accomplishment this past year?
The rheological properties of the noodle flour composites revealed that the Nutrim-5 component could contribute synergistic binding qualities in the preparation of Asian noodles. The oat hydrocolloidal fiber composition, Nutrim-5, was found to be useful for extending the quantity of rice flour used in making white and yellow noodles. Nutrim-5 was added to the noodle formula to improve the functionality of rice flour for increasing this component in the noodle formulations. When Nutrim-5 was used in a composite formulation with equal portions of rice and wheat flours, the Asian noodles were statistically similar to the control. The oat hydrocolloidal fiber composition addresses the importance of the research related to utility in food products.

4b.List other significant accomplishments, if any.
Nutrim OB and flaxseed powder were evaluated as fat replacers in cakes. The replacement of shortening with Nutrim OB and flaxseed affected the physical and rheological properties of cake batters. In particular, Nutrim OB caused a viscosity increase in the cake batter, which would be helpful to prevent the volume loss of the cake. Therefore, the shortening in a cake could be successfully replaced with Nutrim OB and flaxseed powder up to 40% by weight without quality loss of cakes.

4c.List any significant activities that support special target populations.

4d.Progress report.
Creative investigations during this project have expanded the development of the Trim technologies which has lead to the development of Trim products: Oatrim, Z-Trim and Nutrim. All Trim products have been licensed to industrial organizations. Oatrim technology (U.S. Patent 4,996,063) was the first technology transferred to three companies for wide use in consumer foods. Nutrim technology (U.S. Patent 6,060,519) was exclusively licensed to the FutureCeuticals division of the Van Drunen Farms organization; and it has achieved a remarkable expanding market requiring additional plant expansion. Z-Trim technology (U.S. Patent 5,766,662) was licensed, and its technology transferred to Fibergel Technologies for manufacture and marketing. These technologies and their products are presently being manufactured, their products achieving sizable markets, and adding considerable innovative opportunities for health improvement in the American diet. New CRADA research is being planned with Van Drunen Farms/FutureCeuticals that will be functioning during the next milestone period for revealing a new Trim development.

5.Describe the major accomplishments over the life of the project, including their predicted or actual impact.
The major accomplishment of the project has been the successful development of several cereal-based ingredients that have health enhancing properties. The first accomplishment under an earlier project was the commercialization of Oatrim. Another accomplishment was the licensing of Z-Trim to Circle Group Holdings and the creation of FiberGel Technologies Company. Another accomplishment was in overseeing Z-Trim’s initial manufacture for the licensee, FiberGel Technologies Company of Circle Group Holdings. Additional advancement was made in expanding Nutrim technology and developments in a prior license to Van Drunen Farms/FutureCeuticals. There was demonstrated accomplishments at meetings, scientific societies, and other forums to promote NCAUR activities and Trim products: Oatrim, Z-Trim, and Nutrim. Also, there were accomplishments as recognized by awards: Outstanding Scientist-of-the-Year Award; USDA Secretary’s Honor Award; the ARS Science Hall of Fame, the Presidential Rank Award, and the Lincoln Academy of Illinois Laureate. These awards were given to Dr. Inglett for outstanding scientific contributions to the advancement of the food industry for the recognition of novel, patented nutraceutical ingredients including Oatrim, Z-Trim, and Nutrim, which have provided sustained benefits to the American diet.

6.What science and/or technologies have been transferred and to whom? When is the science and/or technology likely to become available to the end-user (industry, farmer, other scientists)? What are the constraints, if known, to the adoption and durability of the technology products?
Under this project, new products were prepared having value-added properties including new compositions from innovative processing of grains, particularly the dietary fiber components of cereals. Creative investigations during this project were carried out using new creative processing and property methodologies leading to the development of Trim products: Oatrim, Z-Trim and Nutrim. All Trim products have been licensed to industrial organizations. Oatrim technology (U.S. Patent 4,996,063) was the first technology transferred to three companies; two manufacturing plants were built and the product being widely used in consumer foods. Nutrim technology (U.S. Patent 6,060,519) was exclusively licensed to the FutureCeuticals division of the Van Drunen Farms organization that has a large scale production and market organization. Z-Trim technology (U.S. Patent 5,766,662) was licensed, and its technology transferred to Fibergel Technologies, which was formed to manufacture and market this product. These technologies and their products are presently being manufactured, achieving sizable markets, and adding considerable innovative opportunities for health improvement in the American diet. Trim technologies have been extended and transferred by a variety of mechanisms including presentations to technical, as well as non-technical audiences, journal articles, patents, and formal cooperative research and development agreements (CRADA). New research is being planned for a CRADA with Van Drunen Farms/FutureCeuticals that will be functioning during the next milestone period. All Trim products are showing remarkable durability and expanding markets.

7.List your most important publications in the popular press and presentations to organizations and articles written about your work. (NOTE: List your peer reviewed publications below).
The Lincoln Academy of Illinois 2005. George E. Inglett, Laureates Elected in 2004. p.4.

PBS Special: Lincoln Award Laureates. Taped 7/28/05 for future release.

Review Publications
Inglett, G.E., Peterson, S.C., Carriere, C.J., Maneepun, S. 2005. Rheological, textural, and sensory properties of asian noodles containing an oat cereal hydrocolloid. Journal of Food Chemistry. 90:1-8.

Lee, S., Kim, S., Inglett, G.E., Carriere, C.J. 2005. Effect of shortening replacement with Oatrim on the physical and rheological properties of cakes. Cereal Chemistry. 82(2):120-124.

Lee, S., Kim, S., Inglett, G.E., Carriere, C.J. 2004. Effect of Nutrim and Oatrim on the physical and rheological properties of cakes [abstract]. International Food Technology. Paper No.114F-12.

Inglett, G.E., Lee, S. 2004. Rheological properties of biopolymeric composites of cellulosic and beta-glucan hydrocolloidal gels [abstract]. International Conference on Composites Engineering. p.291.

Stevenson, D.G., Eller, F.J., Radosavljevic, M., Jane, J., Inglett, G.E. 2004. Properties of whole and defatted oat bran concentrate and Nutrim X [abstract]. American Association of Cereal Chemists Meetings. p.293.

Lee, S., Inglett, G.E., Carriere, C.J. 2004. Effect of Nutrim OB and flaxseed on the rheological properties of cakes. Cereal Chemistry. 81(5):37-642.


Project Team
Inglett, George
Project Annual Reports
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  FY 2005
Related National Programs
  Quality and Utilization of Agricultural Products (306)
Last Modified: 05/13/2009
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