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Global Health Employment Opportunities

Office of Health, Infectious Diseases, and Nutrition

Technical Advisor, Level IV: Senior Advisor for Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health

Location: Washington, DC
Employer: Global Health Fellows Program
Assignment: Two-Year Fellowship
Application Deadline: April 30, 2009

The Senior Advisor for Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health (Senior Advisor) will provide technical assistance to the Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Division, located within the Office of Health, Infectious Diseases, and Nutrition (HIDN) in USAID's Bureau for Global Health (GH), and to USAID field Missions on programmatic approaches to increase the uptake, use, and impact of key interventions to reduce maternal and child mortality. The focus of this position will be child health, working closely with the existing child health team in the Division, the MCH Element co-Head for Child Survival, and the MCH Division Chief, and complementing the work of existing teams in maternal and newborn health, immunization, and environmental health.

The Senior Advisor must have the capacity and interest to promote and program integrated approaches to maternal, newborn, and child health, including the roles of family planning, consistent with overall strategic approach to MCH articulated in 2008 (see Working Toward the Goal of Reducing Maternal and Child Mortality: USAID Programming and Response to FY08 Appropriations) and the Division’s Maternal and Child Health Integrated Program (MCHIP).

For the full position description, eligibility requirements, and application procedures, visit the Global Health Fellows Program Web site.

Office of Population and Reproductive Health

Technical Advisor, Level II: Best Practices Utilization Advisor

Location: Washington, DC
Employer: Global Health Fellows Program
Assignment: Two-Year Fellowship
Application Deadline: May 4, 2009

The Best Practices Utilization Advisor (BPU Advisor) will serve as an integral member of the Research, Technology, and Utilization (RTU) Division, located within the Office of Population and Reproductive Health (PRH) in USAID's Bureau for Global Health (GH), and work with PRH staff to move evidenced-based tools, technologies, and practices into programs. The BPU Advisor will help RTU and PRH promote approaches to increasing the use of research and program results and tools that have been produced by USAID-funded and other projects. S/he will advise internal and external audiences on ways to facilitate the inclusion of utilization activities in future programs. This will be accomplished by working closely with other divisions within GH, regional bureaus, other donors, and providing significant support to USAID country teams.

For the full position description, eligibility requirements, and application procedures, visit the Global Health Fellows Program Web site.

Regional Bureaus and Missions

Technical Advisor, Level III: Global Fund Liaison

Location: Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo
Employer: Global Health Fellows Program
Assignment: Two-Year Fellowship
Application Deadline: June 1, 2009

The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) Global Fund Liaison (Liaison) will be the U.S. Government (USG) focal point on Global Fund activities, working under the direction of the USAID/DRC Mission Director. The successful candidate will assume responsibility for coordinating ongoing and critical communications among the USG PEPFAR Country Team comprised of agency and department heads from USAID, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the U.S. Department of Defense, the U.S. Department of State, etc.; the country coordinating mechanism; the Global Fund Secretariat; the Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo; and other strategic partners regarding the management and implementation of the Global Fund program.

The Liaison is expected to have a strong technical background in at least two of the three Global Fund focal areas in order to be able to identify technical assistance needs, make the necessary recommendations to address those needs, and ensure follow-up on implementation of the technical recommendations.

For the full position description, eligibility requirements, and application procedures, visit the Global Health Fellows Program Web site.

Technical Advisor, Level III: HIV/AIDS Epidemiologist

Location: Pretoria, South Africa
Employer: Global Health Fellows Program
Assignment: Two-Year Fellowship
Application Deadline: May 30, 2009

The HIV/AIDS Epidemiologist will provide specialized technical assistance in areas relating to HIV epidemiology, data analysis, and use for strategic planning, program planning, and monitoring and evaluation purposes. S/he will provide technical assistance to achieve U.S. Government (USG) objectives in combating the HIV epidemic in the Southern Africa region. In collaboration with host-governments, USG agencies, U.S. Embassies, nongovernmental partners, private sector organizations, and regional institutions, the HIV/AIDS Epidemiologist will provide support in the analysis, interpretation, and dissemination of epidemiological and programmatic data for the advancement of HIV/AIDS programs throughout the region.

For the full position description, eligibility requirements, and application procedures, visit the Global Health Fellows Program Web site.

Technical Advisor, Level III: Senior Technical Advisor for Health Systems and Health Care Financing

Location: Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo
Employer: Global Health Fellows Program
Assignment: Two-Year Fellowship
Application Deadline: June 5, 2009

The USAID/Democratic Republic of Congo (USAID/DRC) Health Office is seeking a Senior Advisor for Health Systems and Health Care Financing (Senior Advisor) responsible for advising the health team and managing a broad range of planning, monitoring, coordination, capacity building, and implementation tasks related to health care financing reform and USAID/DRC’s systems strengthening projects. Strong understanding of and experience working in the area of health care financing and health systems strengthening is critical.

The Senior Advisor will advise the health office team and explore various strategies which may include identifying key health policies needed at national and provincial levels and opportunities for health care financing; pay for performance; cost recovery schemes; public health insurance and improving the allocation and management of health sector resources. Based upon strategies identified, the Senior Advisor will also design and oversee the follow-up of a demonstration activity in selected pilot sites, emphasizing the development of financing mechanisms, global budgeting, health insurance plans, analysis and costing of benefits, performance based contracting, utilization of services, reimbursement, and quality monitoring.

For the full position description, eligibility requirements, and application procedures, visit the Global Health Fellows Program Web site.

Technical Adviso, Level III: Senior Regional Technical Advisor for HIV/AIDS Prevention

Location: Pretoria, South Africa
Employer: Global Health Fellows Program
Assignment: Two-Year Fellowship
Application Deadline: April 30, 2009

The Senior Regional Technical Advisor for HIV/AIDS Prevention will provide support in the design, implementation, and evaluation of HIV/AIDS prevention programs throughout the Southern Africa region, as well as provide specialized technical assistance in areas relating to primary prevention and behavioral change, data analysis and use, strategic planning, program implementation, and managing activities in regional prevention agreements.

This position will have particular responsibilities in regard to the implementation of the Southern Africa Prevention Initiative (SAPI), and together with the Southern Africa Regional HIV/AIDS Program (RHAP) Team Leader will collaborate extensively with the agencies and Missions in the region, as well as with the Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator.

For the full position description, eligibility requirements, and application procedures, visit the Global Health Fellows Program Web site.

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