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Envelope Contact Global Health

Linking Health, Population and the Environment

Rapid destruction of Madagascar’s forests and ecological corridors, coupled with a growing population, initiated USAID’s efforts to assist nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and other groups to link and integrate health, population and environment (natural resource management) delivery approaches and activities.

USAID has played a major role in implementing integrated activities in 120 Malagasy communities to increase family planning, practice less destructive natural resource management methods, increase food production, use forest resources in more sustainable ways, cross-train field agents in both population and environment, and work with schools to educate students on the environment and reproductive health.

Learn more about population and the environment

Key Activities

  • Building an enabling environment through local partnerships and organizational development
  • Developing and testing models for integrating population, health and environment.
  • Providing support to NGOs for program implementation
  • Monitoring, evaluation and operations research

Materials Related to Linking Health, Population and the Environment


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